Chapter 27

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“Happy Birthday to you~

Happy Birthday to you~

happy Birthday happy birthday~

Happy birthday Gracie~!” The guests sang and clapped as the now-two-year old Grace—wearing a pink hello kitty blouse matched with a tutu and bunny ears headband blew the candle with the help of his father.

Everyone showed loving affection to Baby Gracie by pinching and kissing her cheeks as she walked around the tables where guests were seated, enjoying their meal and chatting with friends. Quen, watched his daughter as she played hide and seek with some of the kids in the party. He planned out this beach birthday party with Carmen—who suggested the venue. They built up a tent outside Quen’s house large enough to accommodate the guests and protect them from the sun at high noon. Tables were adorned with beautiful flowers and pink cloth. Quen was no good in planning a party and considered Carmen his savior. He grinned as he kept stealing glances at his daughter, who was giggling as the little girl hid under Kath’s table, while entertaining Gracie’s guests. He caught Kath’s eyes as she momentarily glanced at him before turning back to DJ who was talking to her. He hasn’t had a decent conversation with Kath. He was guilty for intentionally ignoring and avoiding her for a while now. He just wanted to give Kath time and space but it was taking longer than expected. He wanted her to realize that she was with the wrong guy right now. He needed her to realize that it is he whom she loved and not DJ. But he can’t seem to find the courage to just tell her straight away. He knew if he let another day pass by without talking to her—not about business but about the two of them, she will really slip away from him. Again and again and again. He couldn’t risk it. Not again.

As the guests started leaving and kissing the sleepy Gracie goodbye, the caterers began cleaning up. Gracie eventually fell asleep on Kath’s arms as she led the leaving guests outside. “I’ll take her upstairs,”Quen spoke behind her.

She turned to him, “No, it’s okay.”

“She’s heavy,”he said.

She grinned as Gracie’s head—which was resting on her shoulder shifted, “I know. It’s fine, though. She hasn’t been sleeping on my arms for a while now. I wouldn’t miss this moment.”

Quen smiled as he rubbed Gracie’s back. Kath stared at him with longing eyes.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she sighed. “It’s just that I haven’t seen you smile like that for a long time.”

Quen stared at the ground before looking up at her. “These past few days have been really stressful.”

Kath nodded sympathetically. “I see.”

They fell silent for a while before she muttered, “I’ll take her upstairs.” To which Quen agreed.

He watched her take the stairs and managed to give Kath a nod who glanced at him before completely disappearing from his sight. He raked his hair with his hands and sighed. The urge to talk to Kath was overwhelming him as he paced back and forth at the living room. He has decided to have the talk with her as soon as she comes back. He doesn’t care what will happen next. He just needed to get over the burden his heart has been carrying. Kath was taking longer than expected. “She must’ve fallen asleep,” he thought. The caterers has already cleaned up the place and left after he and Carmen thanked them. Carmen has also gone home,too. Manang Fe left earlier than the caterers because she had to pick up a package her son from Palawan has sent. It was just him and Kath and—DJ? His face fell down as he saw DJ coming in from the back door. He paused and looked uncomfortable as his gaze met Quen’s. They were literally 5 meters away from each other but the tension was cutting up the distance as none of them dared to drop the gaze.

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