Chapter 34

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A/N I told you it's a long one. HAHAHA please do listen to the media box. I really tried to find a good musical score for this one. HAHA


He stood up and kicked the fallen table and shards of glasses as he screamed and punched the wall as hot tears found its way out of his tired eyes. He felt Kath’s trembling hand on his shoulder.

“Quen—“ she softly called through sobs.

He threw another punch at the wall which startled Kath. “Why?!”  He grunted and turned towards DJ who was lying helplessly on the ground. “Why the hell are you doing this?”

“You fucking tell me why!” DJ spat as he helped himself to sit up against the wall.

Quen was about to advance on him again when Kath blocked him and desperately threw her arms around his tensed body.

“Enough, Quen. Enough” She muttered under hard sobs.

“I hate you, Quen.” DJ said surly. “I trusted you. I believed in you. You were my bestfriend for Pete’s sake!” He elbowed the wall behind him and he felt pain shooting through his arm up to his shoulder. He stared at the ceiling. “I hate both of you.” He added with a sad laugh as bitter tears fell down from his eyes producing searing pain as it rolls down his face full of cuts and bruises.

“You leave me broken and expect me to be okay to attend your wedding as if nothing happened?” He asked and glared at them. Kath was still holding unto Quen and it made DJ’s stomach turn. “You fuckin’ fools!”

“You think it was easy to leave just like that? I couldn’t sleep for days without thinking about you and Kath. I started getting used to being with you guys every day. But when I left, I was alone. My father treated me like shit. He never cared about me. He never asked me what I wanted. And my mother didn’t even do shit about it and left us instead. She has given up on my father but why the hell would she give up on me? I hated her. I hated my father. I hated them. I only thought of you guys as my family. And then what? Huh?! What?!” He yelled. His frustration becoming more obvious as he sobbed.

“Now you fucking tell me why, Quen. Because I didn’t deserve any of those. The fuck is this life!”

It has become clearer to them now. There was more to DJ that they didn’t see before. They didn’t know what he has been through with his family. He never told them. Somehow, Quen’s eyes soften. His muscles relaxed, his fists loosened. He was so consumed with his anger that he realized he had lost his senses. He could have been more humane. And now, all he felt was guilt. Kath unwrapped  her arms around him and lifted her eyes to see his serene face. She followed his gaze and saw DJ struggling to get up. Kath took pity on him so she stepped towards him to help him up but DJ raised his bleeding hand from the shards beneath him. “Don’t.”

Kath stopped in her tracks and watched him help himself up by leaning against the wall and pushing himself up against it leaving marks of blood from his hands on the white wall.

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