Chapter 14

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A/N: Please play the song on the side again and again :)


She went down their veranda and walked towards Quen’s house. The cold evening breeze brought shivers to her body. With only pajamas and a robe, she was determined to see baby Grace before going to sleep. “and Quen,too,” her mind retorted.

She heard a melody as she was drawing nearer to Quen’s house. Curiosity got her as she followed where it came from. Surprisingly she ended up at Quen’s veranda. The music was coming from his house. It was a ballad on repeat.

The lights were still on as she slowly went up. The sliding door was left ajar and the curtains were rhythmically lifted to the air by the breeze coming from the beach. She went in and followed where the music was coming from with gentle steps.

The music led her into the study room. The room was empty with only dim lights on every corner. A CD player sat on an old wooden table. The song has been repeating for almost 3 times already, since Kath heard it. She slowly walked towards the player and noticed that there was an electric fan facing towards it.

“Trying hard not to overheat this old man, eh?” she chuckled as she ran her fingers along the player with an engraved 1998 on top.

As soon as the song stopped, it repeated again. Kath couldn’t help but smile. The song was so soulful and beautiful. It may be the reason why Quen has this on repeat.

The voice of the woman invested so much emotion to the song. While she was busy appreciating the song, Quen, who was wearing a white shirt and gray pajamas, appeared by the door. He was about to take a sip on the coffee he just made when he saw Kath standing in front of the player.  He wanted to call her attention but he was amused at how Kath was listening intently to the song so he leaned his side to the door as he sipped his coffee and decided to watch her.

“It’s Unchained Melody by Sarah Geronimo,” Quen spoke as soon as the song came to its end.

Kath immediately turned around, “You startled me,”

“It’s you who came in unnoticed,” he smiled.

The song started playing again.

“How many times would you play this song?”

“Until I fall asleep,” he shrugged as he started walking towards her.

“Good thing, this doesn’t overheat much,” Kath smiled as she tapped the player lightly.

“It does...that’s why I have this super electric fan to watch over it,” he winked.

Kath laughed amusingly, “Must be really special.”

“It is...very special,” he said as he fixed his eyes on Kath’s.

Kath felt a bit awkward and bit her lip.

You're Always In My Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें