Chapter 24

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        It was already half an hour past midnight and the chilly air was beginning to wrap itself around DJ’s body as he stood on his balcony. He emptied his glass of whiskey with one swig—wincing as its heat travelled down his throat. He hasn’t had a good sleep ever since he came back. Much more when Kath came back to his life. He had been dealing with his troubling thoughts and a glass or two of whiskey every single night. He can’t remember the last time when he and his bed had shared a solemn slumber. He stared down the empty road then up the night sky where the stars were-- blinking. He kept staring at it. The blinking of the stars reminded him of the blinking headlights of the car that night. He shut his eyes closed to supress the forthcoming memory that was about to visit him but he was too late—the loud screeching sound of tires and deafening thud of the car and the pavement greeted him. He was gripping the empty glass on his right hand tightly that it crushed causing him to fall back into consciousness. He stared at his hand and shards of the broken glass on the floor—some were stuck on his palm, before realizing that he was bleeding. He sauntered his way to the bathroom and removed some shards that were left on his palm. He then placed his bleeding hand under the running water on the sink. He flinched as he instantly felt the searing pain on his hand. He sat on his bed and snugly wrapped a bandage on his hand. He ran his fingers through his hair exasperatedly. If he could erase one memory—it would be the accident. How he wished that it was him who suffered from amnesia and not Kath. Poor Kath, he thought.


        No matter how much he tried to convince himself that he was forgiven. He still couldn’t help but feel guilty for everything. Guilty for taking away Kath’s memories and happiness. He has been asking God if he could switch places with her. Let him be the one who had coma. Let him be the one who suffered depression and amnesia. Let him be the one to be scarred forever. Not her. Not the woman he dearly loves. Not Kath. He’d gladly forget everything even the most beautiful memories with Kath.

“I love you,” she whispered to his ear.

“I love you more,” he whispered back.

        A lovely day it was despite the intoxicating exams that were coming their way. Her hand on his.Her sweet smile.Her angelic voice. He leaned closer to give her peck on the cheek—which instantly turned into scarlet red. She was trying to stifle a giggle. So was he as they stared at each other lovingly.

        A kick on the shin from Quen—who was sitting across the table with an opened calculus book in front of him made them stop. They were at the library and everyone was quiet except for the two of them.

“Weren’t we supposed to study?” Quen glared at them.

“You’re just jealous,” DJ whispered mockingly to him.

Quen snarled, “I wouldn’t be so jealous if both of you fails the exams and couldn’t graduate.”

        Noticing the exasperated look on Quen’s face, he and Kath tried hard not to laugh. He was always like that. He always pulled them back whenever they were way over their heads. They were glad to have Quen around. No matter how annoyed he was with the couple’s sweetness, he never left their side.

“Someone’s really snobby today,” Kath chanted.

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