Chapter 19

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Quen sat down on a solo couch in front of the television and skimmed DJ’s place. Obviously, DJ has just moved in as unopened boxes were piled up against the corner of the living room.

He didn’t ask but DJ told him that he just arrived from the United States 3 days ago. DJ was saying things while he was in the kitchen preparing orange juice and Quen pretended to hear nothing.

DJ arrived with a tray of two glasses of orange juice and gently placed it on the center table. He sat on the other solo couch just perpendicular to Quen.

“She was here just a few minutes ago,” DJ stated.

Quen didn’t say a word. DJ took it as a chance to talk.

“She...she has forgiven me,” he stared at his closed fists.

Quen was surprised at what DJ just said but he tried to keep it to himself as he stared at him, this time, with much more fury than before.

“I don’t know why....I don’t know how...but she...she chose to forgive me, Quen. After everything—“

“That’s right! After everything...and she still forgave you. It’s not right, is it?” Quen interrupted with sarcasm.

DJ looked at him with dismay.

“I know I don’t deserve it,” he said.

“Well, it’s a good thing that you know that,” Quen smiled sardonically.

“Quen, I understand every pint of hatred you have for me. I—“

“No, you don’t!” he glared at him.

“How could you even understand what’s going on inside of me? How could you even understand how I feel, how Kath feels, how everybody feels right now when you ran away and left? How, DJ? How? Did you have a good life away from us? Were you enjoying those 2 years? Cause you know what, we suffered. We suffered so much, DJ. As much as I’d like to be nice to you right now...I can’t! Because are the reason for everything that happened. You took away everyone’s happiness. And you will never understand a single thing about how I feel right now!” Quen’s eyes were fury red as he stood up and started walking to the door.

He had no intention of walking out. He just needed some air. He knew that they still have to talk about Kath.

DJ, who was left sitting on the couch, wiped away the tears that fell down after hearing what Quen said. He was hurt. He was deeply hurt.Not for himself but for Quen. Quen is his bestfriend. He has been nice to him and Kath. He never left them even at hard times. And he knew well that he was not able to repay the kindness and patience Quen gave him. And what happened 2 years ago obviously did not help at all.

“I’m sorry,” DJ muttered.

Quen heard him clearly but he didn’t say a word.

“You may never forgive me at all but I’m still hoping for it. I will take care of Kath.”

Quen closed his eyes as pain started surging up inside of him.

He tried to gulp down the strange feeling in his throat that seemed to provoke him to cry as memories of Kath played on his mind.

He took a deep breath as a single tear fell from his left eye.

"I can't stay much longer. I can't stand being with you. But with our situation right now. I have to deal with it. I know they already told you about everything," he wiped his face with his hand.

"Do me a favor, stick to the agreement. You know that I would do everything to keep Kath away from you. Don't wait for that moment to come. Cause if I find a reason to do so. I will. And you will never ever be able to see us again," he added.

"I'm as uncomfortable as you are in this situation. But as promised, I will do everything to make things right again," DJ said.

“You have one job, DJ. Do it right. If you mess up again, I swear to God,I will tear you into pieces,” with that he left.

DJ stared at the untouched glasses of orange juice and leaned on the couch contemplating.

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