Chapter 8

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A/N:I recommend you listen to the video I posted while reading this. Thank you! :)


There's this blinding light that glared upon them.

A long screeching sound was heard before they crashed, throwing them 3 feet off the ground. Kath wanted to scream but no sound came out from her mouth.

Just when she thought her neck was gonna explode from trying to scream, she felt like she was lifted 2 inches from her bed before being dropped.

Her eyes popped open in a second.

She was dreaming.

She propped herself up on the bed trying to catch her breath.

She held her neck and felt the beads of sweat absorb into her palm.

Confused and tensed, Kath knew that she was dreaming about the accident.

The accident which cost her 2 years of her life.

The accident which took out a huge part of her memory.

She dropped her feet to the side of the bed and glanced at the small clock sitting on the drawer beside her bed. It was 5 in the morning. Too early to get up yet too late to fall back asleep.

She stood up and decided to just start the day.

The almost-nightmare dream kept replaying inside her head as she dried herself from a warm bath. She knew that insisting to remember something won’t work but she can’t help but try.

She felt that she was an inch close to remembering his husband’s face whom she knows was with him during the accident. She walked across the room and put on the undergarments she freshly placed on the bed before her bath. As she took off her robe, she noticed a horizontal scar on her lower trunk. She walked towards the mirror and examined it. It was the first time that she took notice of her scar. Sure, she had a few scars on her legs, arms, and neck, but she has never seen this intriguing scar. As she slowly turned around, another long scar on her side caught her attention. Perhaps ignorance has been residing in her for so long. After a few more seconds of scrutinizing the scars, she decided to put on a pair of comfortable jeans and chose a loose white top to pair with.

She headed for the veranda and gazed at the sun peaking through horizon.

The waves were rolling in in harmony with the chirping of the birds. The breeze was touching every part of her body. The smell of the beach diffused through her nostrils. Nothing can ever compare to the beauty she witnesses every day with this awe-strucking scenery.

“Heeyy! You’re up early!” yelled out from a man down the veranda.

Kath was sidetracked by the voice and searched whom it came from. A grin formed in her face as Quen waved at her. He had a golden retriever sniffing through the white sand. She waved back and went down to meet him.

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