Chapter 1

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*(This story is FICTION, fake, I put a lot of my parents and friends experiences of when they were in Mexico... Let's assume that they're all talking in spanish, okay... Just a heads up I use my "username" because I couldn't think of a better/ cuter name. But I like Luna so yeah... )*

*This is my first "LONG story" I written on here, so yeah... Enjoy! :)


~Chapter one~

I came home walking from school, with loads of homework, but I was glad it was a Friday. But just because it was a Friday didn't mean I could hang around with my friends. And the school year was almost over, just two more weeks! My parents wanted to see those "perfect grades." And I really wanted to get out of my school uniform.

My parents seem to be very strict with rules around here and it's not the united stages, oops I mean the U.S. I live in Mexico for your information and I'm in ninth grade.

I've always dreamed of going to the U.S and visiting...

I think it's called... Neva York...

New York, oops sorry about the Spanish words. Sometimes I forget the word and use the other language. I know both English and Spanish, but my English is truly not that good. I try though.

"Luna!" I heard someone yell my name. It couldn't possibly be a friend. For those of you who don't know what Luna means, it means Moon in Spanish. I don't understand why my parents would give me a name like that.

I turned around and saw my best friend Ana with Axel and Travieso (his name means troublemaker, I mean he has gotten in trouble, but in school and he was really popular, so I don't understand why he would hang out with us... it's creepy). I stopped walking and waited for them.

"Travieso? Que estas haciendo aqui? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I felt like it and I want to hang out with you," he said.

"What? Why?" Honestly we would not go together. Were like polar opposites.

He ignored my question. And we continued to walk this time, they followed my lead.

"It's hot!" Ana cried in Spanish, breaking the silence we were walking in, even though the streets were bustling with cars and buses. And a lot of people were walking around to.

I joked around, "No really. What else did you expect from Mexico." I told her. She shrugged her shoulders, "Rain."

"Well, it's close to being summer and we could get rain," Axel mentioned.

"Hey, you guys want a popsicle of some sort," Travieso cut in. Now that's what I could go for right about now, it was really hot today, maybe in the 100's already. I didn't have the slightest idea.

"That would be great!" We all exclaimed at once.

Axel sighed, "But we don't have any money." A smile came across Travieso's face, "But I do. AND I'll buy you guys one."

A smile came across our faces. Travieso really wasn't like this, no one really saw him being this nice. We all walked to the nearest store, which was right across the street. We went inside the store, found the Mexican popsicles and grabbed one de "arroz con leche" Milk and rice, it was my favorite. Ana got strawberry. Axel got mango. Y (and) Travieso got guava.

We walked over to the cashier. We showed him the popsicles, he counted the popsicles as we held them up.

"Fifteen pesos," he said. Just a little bit over an American dollar. Travieso gave him the coins. He counted the money and nodded at us.

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