Prologue .

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For days, days or maybe.. weeks. No. Months.. Years?

Has it been years that I've wandered? Not feeling that gut-wrenching, devouring ache of hunger. Or a sting of pain in my feet, as I walked barefoot through thorns and across glass?

Unseen by anyone and heard by not a single soul.

No, it couldn't have been..

I figured I was dead by now, how or why? I wasn't sure. May never be.

I can remember my name, who I am as a person, and the things that I like.. but.. I can't remember my family, if I even had one.. or if I was as alone as I am now.

I don't remember if I have any friends, or where my old home is, or if I even had a damn pet.

All I knew was that I could find my way to my gravesite without even having to think about it. I knew that I was Emberly Theodora Savvy and that I had dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes before.

I knew my appearance had changed since my death, which is why I figured I was dead, now having pale blue eyes and extremely fair, pale skin.

On top of people not being able to see or hear me. As well as seeing my own headstone.

How long have I been like this? How did I die? Was it an accident? Was I murdered? Who's my family? Where are they? Why has this happened to me? If I'm dead, why am I here?

I could never remember, no matter how many times I tried. I could never find any answers, hell.. there was no one to give me them.

So I continued to wander.

Alone. Unseen. And unheard.

The Reaper's TouchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz