57. They Never Stop Looking .

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Ember's POV

I was wandering again.

Barefoot, white-blonde locks whipping against the breeze, and alone. I was utterly alone. Yet again.

Alone, wandering in a bright light that seemed as if it should've been blinding to the eye, yet only heated my skin.

Just my skin. No warmth in the inside. Not like how the darkness did. Like how Ezra seemed to.


I could feel myself clutch at my chest, yet I couldn't physically see myself do it.

I have to get back to him.

The shining light began to harshen, sizzling noises began to crepitate, my skin now feeling aflame.

The more I thought of him, the more the light began to burn. The more I began to singe.

I have to see your face again.

And as if signaled, my mind began to spurt out images. Faces. His face. The one face I longed to caress and kiss.

At least once more, if this is to be my end, I need to see your face again.

I could see him.

His indifferent face as he strode into the Gates, the first time his wicked tongue spoke my name. The time he'd went against the current to save me from the shooting stars, his wings-wings that he'd hardly ever bore-expanded, and beautiful, saving me from an even more untimely demise.

The way he'd protected me from the demon Gremory and the first time he'd taken me for a reaping. How he'd managed to make me feel like the only girl in this overpopulated world as his electric, blue eyes-eyes only for me-stayed focused on every movement I'd made as I'd danced for him.

How his touch made me feel alive, each stroke of his long, skillful fingers. Each graze of body to body contact, whether briefly crossing or mashed together for hours.

The way his eyes found mine no matter where in this life and the next I was.

You always bring me back.

It was then, then that I gave my soul willingly. I would relinquish my right to it for Ezra, if that meant I could forever float in this realm of life and death. So long as I could continue to see his face.

Over and over again, just like this. If I couldn't be with him, I at least wanted this forever.

And immediately I began to get overcast with shadows and darkness. The images of his face blurring, as the light that had been surrounding me began to extinguish.

No, no.. I'll lose him forever. I'll lose him for good..

I wanted to fight back, to stay in the light that was Ezra. To stay in the burning flames of my love for him.

I love you, Azrael.

I couldn't fight the darkness. And as it began to overcome me, I realized.. I strangely did not want to.

It came to me in doses.

The first, washing over my body, calming it to a pleasant numbness. A peaceful, serene state that I had never known in my mortal life nor this one.

The second, hit my insides. More like caressed, filling me with a warmth that was unlike that of the light's. A warmth that felt inviting, enticing, cherishing.

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