35. A Happy Ember .

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It was times like this that I could appreciate the serious, compassionate side of Cupcake.

She let me sit there, undisturbed, allowing me the time that I needed just to drown myself in the presence of my family.

A family I never knew I had.

I talked my heart out to the them, even knowing they couldn't hear me. And when I was done letting them know how proud I was of the family my brother had made, the family he had to be strong for to continue to care for even when his other half was in despair, then I walked Elliana back to bed.

Returning to Eugene's room, I noticed he'd wandered away himself.

I heard a new, feminine voice downstairs and his voice followed after it. I assumed his wife, Elliana's mother, Margeaux, was home.

"Work was good, I'm hoping?" I heard him give her a soft kiss.

I found myself making my way back downstairs to spy on the couple. And if we were being completely honest, to see if Margeaux was any good for him.

As any sister would.

But as soon as my eyes landed on her, I thought vice versa, at least look-wise. She could've been a model for Christ's sake.

Long, slender legs. A long, yet not gangly-seeming torso. Nice, full breasts that sat up and perked perfectly, her cleavage subtle, yet enticing.

Her chocolate, brown hair hung as a wavy ponytail, at least before she pulled her scrunchy from her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders flawlessly and effortlessly.

Her caramel brown eyes lit up as she looked into Eugene's beautiful blue eyes, eyes that now felt all too familiar.

She leaned up to kiss him. "Not all that bad, even though I don't particularly like it. I'm finding new ways to do things in a certain fashion that work for me while at this job, I suppose."

"That's great, honey. Do you think it'll work out for you there?"

She playfully rolled her eyes. "I know where you're about to go with this and I'm not quitting my job, Genie."

"Come on, Mars."

"Uh uh, don't try to Mars me." She shook her head slowly from side to side, as if chastising a small child.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to work, baby. Just because Elizabeth, Emmett, and now Elliana are off to school, doesn't mean you have to go off too."

"Fill my time, that's what I have to do. I don't want to think about how empty my nest is."

"Oh, Mars." Eugene took a seat on one of their stools and gestured for Margeaux to come closer to him. "Your nest will never be empty, they will always be our kids."

"I know, it's just," She started sniffling, "Can you believe how big they've gotten? Elizabeth's going to be twenty-three soon, Emmett's already able to drink, and now Elliana's graduating from high school. What am I going to do once she's gone? How-how do I just stop.. mothering?"

"You don't, hon', you never do. But you have to let our little aliens explore the earth, baby, can't stay on Mother Mars forever." He wiped her tears.

She pouted, but allowed him to do so. "I hate to say this, but I know. You're right. Just.. don't you leave Mars either."

"Oh, baby." He stood, sweeping her up, while she tried to keep from giggling so loudly, "I'll forever be on Mars."

"They're worse to watch than you and the Reaper." Cupcake interrupted, as I spied on the couple.

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