50. She's My Other .

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"I've given myself to you, Ember. If a proposal is what you were afraid of, you should be terrified right now."

"Yeah?" I looked up at him under blonde lashes.

I could feel the difference.

Whatever he did couldn't possibly make me love him, but it damn sure made me feel in every part of me all reason why I did. Every reason I was doing what I could to stay by his side now.

Are there shimmers by his eyes? Oh.. I think.. I think that's just me..

His unusually dark hair seemed to lighten a bit, it could even be mistaken for a really dark, chocolate brown.

How pretty.. so pretty..

The paleness of his face seemed to darken, giving his skin a soft caramel, shimmery color. It glowed with the sparkles that were not only by his eyes, but falling around his frame.

Oh, his eyes..

They weren't a baby blue, but not as deep, electric blue as they usually were. Yet still, oh so very demanding. Mysterious. Captivating.

"If you bat your pretty little lashes at me again," He said softly, "We'll have to excuse ourselves."

I cleared my throat, shaking my head and snapping whatever false glimmers and shimmers I thought I was seeing away.

"Sorry," I laughed at myself a bit.

"Don't be," He stood, helping me up with a knowing smile. "The feeling will settle."

"Can you feel it to? Can you.. can you see it too?"

"See it?"

I wasn't exactly sure how to explain it, how I saw him. How this wondrous daze made me see him as what I think was human. How could I ask him?

"Me.. could you see.. me?"

He turned to me, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand very lightly. "You forget how long I've been at this," He smiled, "I've had the power to see you the moment I lay eyes to you."

I kissed him. "I feel so stupid to have been fighting with you. Even when I said it myself, we're a team."

"I've been the foolish one." He chuckled, "Apparently love makes you do the damnedest things."

I cringed at the thought of what I'd done. At what I was keeping from him.

"Yes.. apparently they do."

"So, will Ana work? Please say yes, because talking another angel into helping us is going to be a tough one. Even for me. We pissed off their boss for Christ's sake. Can't we get someone else other than an angel?"


"No, Ana won't work? Or no, we can't get someone else?"

"No, the angel we have won't work. She's no longer the proper angel."

"Thanks to you with the whole taking of the wings thing. Dammit." I cursed, "Who'll work? Michael damn sure won't."

"Michael's out of the question. If I were to see him, I am to kill him."

"Says who?"

"You will not challenge me on this." All lightweight emotions of earlier now gone, I could clearly feel how serious he was.

And he was right, I was not to challenge the Reaper on this one. As he reminded me, he's been at this far longer than I have.

He may not argue with someone he believes is stronger than him. But I know not to argue with someone much wiser.

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