4. Something Very Special Indeed ..

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"Ezra." His voice cut through the air like a sharp, unforgiving blade as he corrected him.

I honestly couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I thought the angels I'd already been surrounded by were out of a fairytale, but Azrael.. or Ezra, whatever this guy's name was, he was absolutely stunning contrary to the monster I thought they'd released.

My eyes watched his every move. Though his never even bothered to land on me. He didn't seem interested even in the slightest to meet me.

"How've you been Ezra? How is your work?"

"You've summoned me.." His sentenced trailed off and I knew it was because he wanted the Scribe to cut to the chase.

"Because, as you are now aware, we have ourselves Miss Emberly.." He looked to me to help him out.

"Savvy." My voice was barely even a whisper, I immediately regretted even opening my mouth. Wasn't someone like him suppose be all-knowing and know all our names?

"Miss Emberly Savvy." The Scribe's smile would've lit the area if it weren't already beaming with color.

"And?" He didn't look amused at all as he took a seat. And I had a feeling he took it not out of wanting to stay and chat, but to make everyone else uncomfortable with his deep, resonating presence.

"Must you act so oblivious?" His smile was gone in less than a fraction of a second, but regained it just as quickly.

Ezra gave a quick, half-assed shrug. "What of her?"

I wanted to flip him the bird, but where we were and me not knowing what he was capable of kept me in line.

"Look at her. Her name. And the fact that she is an Earthdweller." The Scribe watched Ezra cautiously.

My name? What does my name have to do with anything?

His words finally made a change in Ezra's attitude, even if it was just a little. His head slightly lifted up, and his hands clutched the arms of his chair, turning his knuckles pale. But his facial expression remained unbothered.

"Does this interest you now?" His words felt almost as if he was dangling me, the scrap of meat, in front of an overly taunted, very hungry lion.

For the first time, his deep set, electric blue eyes landed on me. My body tingled the same way it did when I shook Ana's hand, but intensified times one hundred. I could feel my body leaning in, as if it were hoping for something.. anything. But what?

My eyes widened as his eyes watched me without the tiniest bit of amusement or emotion in them at all.

"No." His voice was cut and crisp.

Hearing that felt like a deadweight dropped in my gut. I couldn't figure out what his problem was. Did he hate me already? He'd never even met me before, but I could feel the underlying uneasiness he felt towards me.

"Ezra, as someone who was once an Earthdweller.."

"I was an Earthdweller.. long ago."

Michael rolled his eyes.

Wait? So what? He's like me? Is that what they think? That I'm in anyway similar to.. to him?

"Something humoring you, Archangel?" Ezra didn't even look at Michael while he spoke, instead he kept his indifferent gaze on me. And for some reason, no matter how bad I wanted to, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. So many thoughts and feelings bouncing back and forth between us, yet both deeply uncertain of one another's.

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