14. Fit Like A Puzzle Piece ..

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I can only remember skin. Warm, nearly aflame, pale skin, left and right. I didn't know where his began and mine ended.

How our slippery, bare wet feet were able to be tangled together to even make our way to his bedroom. How pale our skin was in contrast to his dark, black bed coverings. How his own hairs were so deeply in contrast to his own angelic, pale white flesh.

I could remember the sound of his breaths, so soft, his groans of pleasure and gentle mm's of appreciation. The tone of his voice dropping huskier, more demanding with each tick of time passing. And time passed us right on by. And how we passed this time, I had no protests to.

Each feel of his abs under my touch and lick of my tongue that traced each dip of his body that filled my insatiable curiosity, excited me. The way he smoothed his hands down my back, kissing each cheek that sat up and presented themselves in front of him.

Ironically, all I could think of was that word he'd mentioned modesty. For we had let any form of the word modest fall from the highest windowsill.

A small giggle had slipped from me and I felt him grip me firmer, before twisting me around with a quickness. I laid on my back, him looking down at me while on his knees.

"You find me amusing." He toned the question as if it were an assessment.

"I just.. didn't know Death was this.. dirty."

"Death is wicked, Miss Savvy." He leaned to place a kiss on the bare skin of my stomach. "And forgive me, but I plan on doing very wicked things to you."

"Wasn't it you who told me not to apologize? Hell, you've never spoken this much before, please don't start now."

A smile fully formed on his lovely lips. He was magnificent, glorious in all the ways you could possibly think of. And probably the greatest love maker of all time.

He was gentle and tender to areas he needed to be careful with, but rough in all the ways that'd drive a girl mad for more. And I needed so much more.

The way his hips ground into mine, fitting perfecting between my colorless legs and drawing away just to fit like a puzzle piece once again.

I wrapped my legs around him, wanting to feel him closer to me. The close that would suffocate me in his aura, his power, his darkness. I wanted to feel him against my skin, to feel the tingles he gave me knowing that would be the fulfillment I knew my climax so desperately needed.

"Please.." I panted, not wanting him to stop, not wanting him to break any contact away from me.

I was chest down to the bed in the next instant, his endless, sweet assaults not letting up a bit in the slightest. The curl of my toes let me know I was near end and the stroke of his hand down my side, to my leg, and then tracing up my foot made a small moan escape me.

"Oh, Ezra.. please, I-I can't-"

"Oh, no.." His voice was breathy, so deep and low. "Not yet, my little Ember.."

Yes. I was most certainly his now. Little? Yes, little. I was little, in every way to him. In size, in shape, in knowledge, in this moment. So small under his engulfing embrace as he turned me over, wrapping my legs around him. My breasts smashed against his chest, his head nuzzling in my neck, kissing and nipping all the sensitive places there.

A hand slid down to my rear, pressing me in further against him, allowing me to feel every hardened bit of him that ground into me. My body instinctively bucked against him, keeping a steady pace going but his was much quicker, much more graceful than my own. His other hand smoothed up my back, finding the back of my hair and gripping the hell out of it.

I screamed out, only encouraging him to quicken his relentless thrusts and devouring my screams with his own muffled moans, as he kissed me with a hunger I would've never known possible before.

"Yes, oh please, yes.." I managed under his kiss, his lips drifting to find my neck, then across my chest, to my breasts.

"Yes, Emberly, now. For me..please." And that was it, that was all it took for me to release. To let myself go around him completely. So much stress, so much tension going away with it.

His arms wrapping around me and holding me tightly as he came down from his own high, which I was glad for. I needed the extra support to hold me up and his strong hold was sure to do the thing.

I happened to be limp and felt lifeless. Too bad I couldn't tell him my funny joke. I'm sure it would've earned me one of his famous, all-out laughs. In other words, a slight curve of his lips.

I was out cold, but not before I barely noticed the covers coming over me, the sight of jet black hair in my line of blurry vision, and the feel of soft kisses brushing my bare collarbone.

And then.. nothing.


I jumped out of my sleep this time. The first thing on my mind was how long I could've been out for, and what to say when I yelled at Ezra for letting it happen again.

"Where are you, Reaper?" I called out, wrapping the comforter around me and marching out of the bedroom, straight to his study. I figured that's where he'd most likely be. "Ez-" I stopped in the doorway, noticing there wasn't a sight of him anywhere in the room. I turned around, ready to march back down the hall, yelling for him.

Of course, that was until I bumped straight into him. In all of his naked glory.

"I-I.." I shook my head, hoping that'd clear my mind. I tried l'y damndest to keep my eyes focused on his. Well, as focused as they could be. "How long was I asleep?"

"Do not worry." He weighed to the side, whole frame towering over me as he leaned his arm against the wall of the doorframe. He looked so strangely.. relaxed.

"How long?" I tried not to look at the flex of his muscles, how his body tightened in all the right places as he barely moved about.

"Only a few hours."

I'm sure he could see me visibly relax myself. "That's good to know." I sighed.

"I thought maybe you would like to go out, get your feet wet in the field." He smirked almost playfully, looking down and back up.

"Death's a wise guy, huh?" Catching his unspoken joke, I tapped his chest with my fist, moving past him. He caught my wrist, pulling me into him and dropping my cover with his other hand.

"Mm.." He lifted me up until my face met his, kissing me until I couldn't manage a single word from my lips.

"Ezra," I laughed when he swept me up, carrying me in a direction I was beginning to know all too well.

His wickedly dark and delicious bedroom.


"Where are we?" I stayed close to him, feeling ridiculous yet pretty bad ass in this all black attire he had laid out for me.

"Do not be afraid."

My chest instantly constricted. Don't be afraid? Who wouldn't be afraid after getting told something like that? "You're kidding me right now, right?"

"You will be alright. You are.. here with me." Those blue eyes reassured.

I smiled up at him, trying to keep that in mind as we entered a club, neon lights and deafening music overwhelmed me as the doors opened and we entered.

Death at a club? He never failed to surprise me.

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