49. Sweet Nothings Of Ezra In My Ear .

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A/N .. be grateful.


Tucking Cupcake in, I kissed her temple telling her to get some rest before shutting her door.

I knew I had to find Ezra and fast, but there was a new difficult task at hand. Keeping a secret from him.. and a big one like meeting the Dealer, Lord Than Valterdauhn.

But I had to push my nerves aside and have a rational, adult conversation about Emagene's health. If anyone could possibly know what was wrong, it would of course be Ezra.

But where the hell was-


Black mist spewed from over my shoulders and I turned to match the face to the voice.

There he was.

I wanted to ask him where he'd been, where he'd taken Ana, what he was up to, and probably a million other things. Especially if he was okay. But.. I couldn't.

I was still upset.. I was still hurt..

"We need to talk," I kept my emotions out of my tone, "It's M.J."

It was obvious the concern that etched each of his features. Before I could say anything else, he began making his way towards her bedroom.

"Don't wake her." I said, just before he opened the door to enter.

"Nothing's going to wake her." He gestured for me to look over to her. "She's in a sick slumber."

"What?" I pushed past him. "Why is she so gray? Why does she look.. dead? I was-I was just with her." I nearly scraped my hair behind my ear, placing my head down to her chest.


"She's not breathing.. she-she's not breathing! Move!" I shoved him out of the way.

"She still has a slight pulse, albeit even slower than her already weakened one. She is still with us."

"Then what's wrong with her?" I tried not to yell, placing two fingers to her throat to feel for a pulse.

"What have you two done in your latest hours?"

"Really?" I scoffed in a loud, unattractive manner. "Something's wrong with her and you're worried about what we've been up to? Men. Typical." I rolled my eyes, them never having even been on him in the first place.

"Stop, or you may actually hurt her." He said, just as I was going to pump on her and breathe into her airways.

I smacked my hands down on the open bedding next to her. "Then what do I do?" I bit back tears.

I was tired of crying. It was time to do.

"Well.." He took my hand, guiding me with hesitancy away from Cupcake and towards the love seats in her room, "You can start with telling me the truth." He gestured for me to sit.

"I-I can't. I won't. You didn't tell me the truth.."

"And look where it's gotten us. Ember.. you have to tell me where you were."

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