60. I Will Be Your End .

793 44 2

Lori Du Val

"Honey, I don't think the baby's liking all this motion."

"I thought it was you who had the motion sickness." John laughed his usual husky laugh, lips stretching from ear to ear.

I leaned over as far as my belly would allow, kissing his cheek softly.

"What was that for?" I didn't think it possible, but his smile widened.

"Because I adore you."

"Mm," He grabbed my hand to kiss it, eyes darting to me for only a second. A simple, split second.. the one second that would change everything. "I love you."


And then it happened.

Loud bangs and metal bending, tires screeching, glass shattering, the world spinning, blood spilling, pain seething, and screaming.. such loud screams.

Then.. nothing.

Nothing at all.

And then..

A light. A light that began to peer through the nothingness that seemed to have a hold on me. Nothingness that lasted a minute and a lifetime all at once.

And then.. I was.

A soft, gentleness found itself comforting me and a strange sense of security set in. I was floating on clouds of safety, of something better than what I'd just endured for sure.

But what was it?

I tried to remember, but found my memory stopping just at the sound of I love you.

"Hello?" I tried to call out within the room I found myself in.

Black markings accentuating the vibrant colors of the blue walls caught my attention, tugging at parts of my memory that seemed to be locked away.

They were walls of a room that felt all too familiar. And something deep down within me knew it.

"Hello?" I tried again, but realized just how small my voice was in this large maze of a home once I stepped outside the room.

Each hallway I looked down was dark, lights only illuminating the very beginning even as the small torch style lighting trailed down the walls.

I ran back in the room. The darkness giving me a feeling of dread and confusion, mixtures of feelings I wasn't sure I understood.

Wrapping myself in a light blue comforter, I mustered the courage to open the door once again. And still, faced with dimly lit, eery halls.

I gulped and slowly began my descend down the first hall I locked eyes with, which conveniently happened to be the shortest I noted as I already began to near a door.

A door with a light on behind it.

I looked down at the light radiating from underneath the door, catching sight of my bare feet too.

What's going on? Where am I?

I looked up to face the door, before leaning in to carefully place my ear to it.

"..less than a quarter of a day ago." I backed away, straightening myself out as I readied myself to knock on the door.

I mean, a young girl could be heard on the other side of it, what could be the worst surprise?

I brought up my fist, took a deep breath..

..and knocked.


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