24. The Nicest Thing I've Heard Him Say To Anyone . Ever . At All .

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"She's not here." I said to Ezra once he materialized in his study. He walked over to the middle of the room, right where I'd plopped myself in defeat.

"Do not worry."

"First time taking her in the field and I already lost her, how could I not worry?"

"Did I seem worried?"

I thought back to the cemetery. "Come to think of it, you damn sure weren't. Why is that?" I narrowed my eyes at him, even straightening up a bit.

"As I've said, the two of you are connected." He extended an arm out with a hand for me to take.

I grabbed it, allowing him to help pull me up.

"You'll find your way back to one another."

"And about why he killed her? What were you up to out there?"

"In the back of attenders, a conversation was being held. Also, someone with a very close death date."

"Did this person have something directly to do with her death? Before M.J. disappeared, she said that Chris wasn't working alone."

"I'm not sure, but I know that he knew about it. And was to help cover it up. Not sure if he was in on why he wanted her dead."

"But I'm guessing that the plan fell through when Christopher found himself in Death's hands."

Ezra slightly tilted his head. "In my hands."

"Rightfully so. The asshole's name whose conversation you caught?"



He shrugged.

"Well," I wrapped myself around Ezra, white mist engulfing us both, "Let's go find Ted."

"Where the hell are we?" I looked around, "This isn't mine." I said, noting we were in a cemetery. And not the one I was buried in.


I turned in the direction Ezra was facing. "M.J.!"

M.J. lay sprawled out on a patch of dry grass, a small stone in front of her. I made my way as quickly as I could to her.


"E-Ember?" Her eyes widened when she realized who it was. "You found me? You came!" She threw her arms around my neck, hugging me. "I thought-I thought I was going to be alone.."

It was then that I realized how strong I was.

Strange, in a moment I should be encouraging strength in someone else, yet in this moment, she had managed to open my eyes to the strength in me.

I had endured being alone for lord knows how long, but even this handful-in life and death-of a woman couldn't even fathom being alone. At all.

Ezra was right before. It took more mental and emotional strength than one would think.

And Cupcake was far from having that.

But I'd had it.

"I'm here, Cupcake." I rubbed her back with one arm while embracing her with the other, "I'm here."

I let her cry until she settled in my arms enough to sit up and face me.

"This is where they buried me." She gestured with a small nod over to the small stone that she had been laying in front of.

It simply said 'Em'.

"Wait, you're Em?"

"My name," She sniffled, "My name is Em. J. Or at least.. that's what I went by."

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