32. Angels Aren't Suppose To Be The Bad Guys .

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"Do it again."

I giggled, "No. I'm exhausted."

"For me."

Anything for you.

"You're insatiable, Reaper."

"Mm." He nudged me, knowing I'd budge just for him.

I sat up slowly, letting my wild hair drape to one side of my head, and sway down my shoulder, looking up at him under-eyed. Challengingly.

"Again." He breathed out softly.

I rolled up one black lace hosiery leg, slowly, delicately, making sure to emphasize each movement my fingers made across the soft, silky material and my skin.

"Down." He commanded.

My body eagerly did as it was told.

I rolled them right back down.

Measured, tempting.

"Mm.. Up."

"Ezra." I laughed, taking off the stupid things and flinging them in his face.

He smiled, and it was the first time I noticed how much his face really had healed since the first time I'd burned him.

His chest was now in the marred process.

With his body having a couple of new burns I managed to give him before our limbs could no longer keep from off each other.

"I'm relieved to know we heal quicker than the living, sorry I confirmed that theory incidentally with you."

"Again with this, I told you-"

"It's one thing to be told you're fine, but put yourself in my position, Ezra. You had me fooled once, thinking you didn't care about me when talking to that.. thing that we ran into."

He rose a dark brow.

"I know you care about me. And with you knowing that, put yourself in my shoes. How would you feel looking at me day to day, scarred, and you're the reason? I damaged something so perfect, so-"

"Damaged already."

I couldn't help but to do one of the only common girl-empowering things to do, that both the living and the dead shared, I smacked my lips.

"Argue all you'd like, but don't treat me as what I'm not." He said, "You see me as a Saint now, Ember, but the sad, yet blatant truth is.. I am what you feared in the beginning. When we first met."

"I was wrong about you."

"No. You weren't."

"Yes! Yes, I was. Completely and utterly wrong."

"Why much you persist on me being this angel, Emberly, when I'm not. I'm far from it."

"Because-because, that would make them right about you," I could hear my voice quiver, which only meant that he could hear it too.

He slid closer to me, his naked body pressing into my side as he coiled me into him.

"The Scribe, Michael, Ana," I sniffled, "God only knows what they sit up there on their high and holy horses talking about, especially when it comes to you."

"I've tolerated those fools for many years, Ember."

"Yeah, but I haven't. And I won't. We won't."

"You've made that clear," A tug at the corner of his mouth caught my eye and I turned completely over in his hold.

"Why haven't you stood up to the Scribe, Ezra? If Cupcake and I could see the shadiness he was giving you, I'm sure that you could."

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