37. This Is Some Harry Potter Shit .

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"You two have been at it for forty-five minutes now! Enough, I'm tired just watching you two!"

After realizing about ten minutes in that I could control my mist as if it were extra limbs of mine, it was all fair in love and war.

The Reaper even seemed to have trouble keeping up with me.

But, unfortunately, he did.

When Cupcake managed to get my attention by waving like a maniac in my peripheral, he took the opportunity to catch me off guard.

I found myself pinned to the Reaper, my back against his front.

"Let me go!" I bucked against him. "Let me go now!"

"Burn me."

"No! Fight me!"


"Can we act like adults here?" Cupcake sighed.

I have to say, that was enough to get me to start settling down. Hearing that come from Cupcake's mouth surely was starting to say something about Ezra and me.

I figured he could tell I gave in when I felt his grasp on me loosen. I quickly shrugged him off and rolled my eyes, stepping away from him.

"Fine. I'll be the first, and only, "I added quietly,"Adult to stand down."

"Reaper?" Cupcake rose a brow at him.

His electric, demanding blue eyes bore into mine. "Later." He reassured me.


My insides tightened with unexpected excitement. "You're on, Reaper."

"Now that that's settled, can we puh-leez discuss this Emberline girl. Another relative of yours?" She gestured towards me.

I immediately shook my head, scoffing in a very Ezra-like manner. "No. More so, a relative of Ezra's." I walked away to take a seat in his chair.

Hopefully making a statement.

"Ezra, you have a sister?"

"She was not a sister by blood."


"This conversation again, really?"

"Well, technically the first one didn't count because the important one who needed to hear it wasn't there, me. So what's this Emberline character about?"

"Don't disrespect her name."

"Okay, well tell me something about her. Hell, anything."

"She belongs to regression."

"And that means.."

"She'll never die. Not really."

"And that's a problem, because.."

I felt a pang in my chest, even though I was upset with Ezra myself, I knew that he would always be hurting for Emberline.

"M.J." I said softly, to hopefully pull her head out of the clouds and realize what he was trying to say without having to actually say it.

"Wha-ah.. oh.. sorry." She sat down on the small couch in Ezra's study. "She uh, she'll never see you again. Will she?"

"No. I'm afraid not, little flame. I'll.. never be seeing her again."

"I'm sorry, Ezra."

"Don't feel sorry for me. You either, Ember. We still have later to look forward to and I don't need you getting soft again on me now."

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