34. I Was Death After All .

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"Eugene." The name was plain as day right above hers. The man of the house. The one she was married to, meaning..

I knew it.

"He is my family."

"I can't believe it. What are we waiting for?" Cupcake was already racing her way up to their second story, assuming that's where the bedrooms were.

"Wait!" I chased after her, "M.J., wait!" But when I reached the top of the stairway, she'd already disappeared behind one of the room doors.


"Cupcake?" I crept down the hall, as if the living would be able to hear me. "Dammit, this isn't funny!" I whispered loudly.

"Boo!" She jumped out through a door.

"Jesus!" I placed a hand over my chest, "You're unbearable sometimes!"

She just laughed me off, pulling me into the room she'd hidden in. "Look what I've found."

"A girl." I said curiously.

"Think it's their daughter?" She asked, her tone obviously satisfied with her findings.

"They have a kid." I said, also simply assuming the girl had to be.

Cupcake looked at a picture that was tacked to the girl's wall. "Kids, it looks like. Three. They all look like.." She turned to face me. "You."

"You think so?" I walked up to the sleeping girl's bed, peering over at her. Feeling almost.. afraid to get close to her.

I was death after all.

"Uncannily." She scoffed.

"Well, so do you. Doesn't mean every blonde-haired, blue-eyed person is related."

"Come look at this." She waved me over to look at the picture.

I'd found it hard to move away from the sleeping girl before me, but I went over to look at the picture as well.

I stared at it for a moment. "Okay."


"Okay." I didn't want to admit it. "They all look alike. They all.. resemble me."

"Thank you, thank you." She took a bow and a couple of curtsies around the room.

I rolled my eyes and found myself wandering back over to the sleeping girl.

"I wish we knew her name."

"Well, that's what snooping's for, my lady." And inspector gadget was off looking for whatever she could get her hands on.

"Don't wake her. You've gotten stronger, I don't want you to overexert your power and end up knocking everything in here over."

"I'll be gentle."

I eyed her.

"I promise." She rolled her eyes, "Sheesh, you and Mr. Reaper have the death stare down, don't ya?"

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