5. You Don't Even Know Yourself ..

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"Michael?" My voice came out as a light whisper as I approached the tall angel's back. I reached out slowly, watching my hand as it closed in on his broad shoulder.

I still couldn't get over the fact that someone, even if he was an angel, was able to see me. Feel me. Hear me. He was the first one.

"Mike?" I said again, when I didn't get a response. My hand lightly touched him, but it was as if it'd slapped him out of some trance.

His head jerked down to look at me as if he didn't notice I had been there the entire time. My eyes widened as he took hold of my dainty hand in comparison to enormous one.

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me with expressionless eyes. No, they had an expression. I just wasn't sure what it was.

"I apologize, Emberly."

I wanted to say just Ember, but I let it go for now.

"I do not mean to make you feel unsure about all of this, because I am sure that is what my actions are doing."

"Tell me Mike, what is it about being what I am, that upsets you?"

"As I've said, little pale one.." I wanted to slap him now, "It's just.. him."

What could you possibly have against him?

Just when I'd built the nerve to ask, his golden eyes bore into mine with an intensity that I couldn't explain. Like he was trying to see through my exterior and into my soul. But he couldn't.

"Emberline." He whispered, it could've been mistaken for a shaky breath. But I was sure I'd heard it. He moved a strand of hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"J-just Ember." Was all I could think to say and a sad smile found its way on his face, similar to the Scribe's sad one.

"Shall we return?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll be able to tolerate him, that has been enough all these years. That shall remain enough for the rest of eternity."

I chuckled, "Alright Mr. High and Almighty, let's go back. I told the Scribe I was going to let you blow off some steam, but I left anyways."


"You were upset. You've helped me so much so far, even if the news I've gotten isn't what I've been looking for. You warned me in the beginning. The least I could do is check on you. I just don't want to upset you."

And his radiant smile was back. There's the Mike I met on the hillside.

"Come on," He held his arm out like the proper gentleman and I took it gladly, walking back to where the Scribe, and surely the Angel of Death, awaited.

"Glad we could make your acquaintance." Ezra didn't even turn around to see us when he spoke.

The Scribe shot him a dirty look, "I see you've retrieved Michael. Thank you, my sweet child." He gestured his arms for me to sit.

Ezra scoffed, now looking at me with those always intense blue eyes of his. Now he looked as if he could strip your soul bare if he wanted to. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, knowing this was the man they were pairing me to work with, to train under.

The Scribe smiled at me, "Ezra has decided that he will get started with you on your training."

I was bit nervous, mostly by Ezra's vibe. They both stared at me for a moment after the Scribe announced Ezra's decision.

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