39. You've Messed With The Wrong Cupcake .

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Anahita's POV

"Michael, are you there?"

"You know you're more than welcome in." I heard his voice on the other side of the door. "My best angel."

"As you are mine, which is why I've brought something for you."

"Have you now?" His eyes still hadn't bothered to move over to me.

But I knew what would get them to.

"Rather someone.. and of purity."

He immediately turned around, hopeful eyes lighting up as they shifted to and fro in search of his gift.


My chest ached.

"Better." I spoke in Enochian tongue, bringing forth a ball of light that centered itself between Michael and myself.

I focused my energy into that ball until it burst into shimmers that fell over a newly emerged form.

That of Emberly's Shadow. The girl.

"You brought me M.J." He smiled, not as satisfyingly as I would have liked, "Good. Now that we have her, Ana, we can begin to have some real fun together."

My body tingled at the thought of Michael wanting to spend time with me, even if that time was spent doing deeds I'm sure He wouldn't approve of.

"Keep her hidden." He told me, "I'll let you know when I'm ready for her. Can I ask you of one more favor until then?"

I cast her back into her ball of light and hid her away. "Of course, Michael. Anything."

"Find a way to kill that damned Reaper."


Even though everything screamed at me to rid us all of the eery, dark Angel of Death, the girl had made me realize I had no real evidence he'd done anything wrong. Just Michael's word against his. And with Michael's history..

Am I doing the right thing?

Going against our Father, the Scribe, and everything I stood for as the angel I pledged to be, was really testing my mental strength. Michael was definitely testing my emotional one.

And physical? The roots of my wings were already beginning to rot. I could only imagine how progressed his decay was. Every renegade angel went through it. I simply tried to ignore it.

I was allowing my love for Michael to consume me in darkness. And my light was too bright to be devoured by evil.

I nodded my head, then made my way for the door.


"Yes, Michael?"

"Maybe later.. we could go demon hunting together?"

I turned to face the door, closing my eyes briefly. "Sounds good, I was just making a plan to do so." I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Ember's POV

"So, what do you think? Could this be Cupcake's parent's?" I asked Ezra as we searched the cemetery her stone was placed in.

"Who's to say they're even dead?"

"She could remember her dad, but not exactly her mom. Maybe her mom's dead. Dad's living. You think we could find him out there in the world?"

So many places to look. He could be anywhere.

"It's a small world."

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