13. He Was Here, I Was Here ..

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We had returned hours ago to Ezra's home. It seemed we both needed the quiet. A moment to collect our thoughts, our feelings toward the situation we were in. We had each other and that was going to be the beginning of a very long journey, I just knew it.

"There's a bath ready for you there." He motioned with his head over to the bathing room. He had stepped away, most likely to take care of a few things I certainly was not privy to.

I rolled from the bed onto my feet, following over to where he was directing me. I had been mulling over the thoughts that'd crossed my mind earlier. The way Ezra had handled me. How attentive he had been to me in his own way. How I had found it to be the way I needed. How I realized.. I did want him to kiss me back there.

"..Ezra.." I mentally cursed at myself for not sounding as sure as I wanted. Because in this reality, I wasn't too sure about anything. Everything seemed to change so quickly, like pieces were starting to drift apart while others were starting to click together.

When Mike found me on that hill, I couldn't have been more relieved. Thinking of him now, I couldn't be more relieved that I was here with Ezra instead. Had I stayed with Mike, had I left with him, I knew I would not feel this close to peace. And there was something peaceful about being with Ezra, contrary to his being the embodiment of death.

His electric blues found mine and waited patiently as I mentally conversed with myself. How could one go about making a move on the Angel of Death? Would I be resigned to Hell at the thought? I prayed to whoever was listening and straightened myself under his gaze.

"You'll.. join me?"

A small tug at the corner of his lips showed his amusement. Whether it was at my courage or the audacity, I wasn't sure. "No." I'm sure the disappointment on my face was evident when he followed up with, "Work that must be finished soon."

Arguing myself down as to whether I was getting rejected, or if he actually had work to do, I drug myself toward the bath. To my surprise, he grabbed me by my arm, keeping me still. Then stepped closer to me, leaning in and pressing his lips lightly at my temple. Something I hadn't expected. Ever.

An eruption happened within me immediately, but I dared to keep my cool, just as he did. His aroma sifted through my nose and even I couldn't help a throaty appreciation. "Mm.. Shame." I said at last attempts to get him to change his mind.

I got one of those rare, barely audible one-huff-of-air type of chuckles that I realized is his version of laughter. His eyes trailed over my hair as he seemed to absently wrap a finger around the tips of a few strands.

"Would you like to try something afterwards?" Tingles tickled my insides. "As far as your training." He added, raising a curious brow.

Of course he meant training, what's gotten into you? "Something.. small?"

"A Reaper's job is never small."

"Okay, just.. don't throw something crazy at me. Like.. exorcising a demon, or something." I immediately thought of that creepy demon we'd come across. The one with the blood-red lips. Gremory, or Grim, whatever it wanted to go by.

"Are you afraid that you'll cross path with them one day?"

I looked up at him, his tall frame towering over me. It was intimating, yet comforting just as much, if not more. He was solid, real. He was here, I was here. With him. Like he'd said.

"There's always truth behind what people say. It's okay to admit it, we'll just have to work on it is all."

"We'll have to face them one day. I will, won't I?"

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