47. The List Of Three .

860 58 39

Ezra's POV

"You've coooome to offeeer mee thisss? An angeeeel with nooo wingsss?"

"You, and especially her, are lucky she even still has her halo in her godforsaken chest." I looked from the unconscious angel, up to the foggy air. "Do we have a deal or not?"

"Youuur soul isss much mooore of valuue to meee than sheeee."

"I guess I've been asking the wrong questions, Lord Valterdauhn." So I rephrased it, "Whose soul is it that may be of more interest to you than my own pitiful one?"

"Mmmm, seeemsss you haaaave," His eery laugh filled the air, "Youuu will haaaave to colleeect more thaan oneee to maaaake up foor youuurs."

"That I can do." I said, playing out the few times Ezra and I had to bounty hunt a few demons for coworkers of the Scribe.

I am a Reaper after all.


And of course there's a catch.

"Get to it.. Lord." I added as an afterthought.

"Youuuu will colleeect at timesss of my chooossing. And whoooom I ask foooor, shall nooot be chaaallenged."

"You know the family I have listed as my exceptions, otherwise this deal would be pointless." I kept my tone leveled, yet hard as stone.

He chuckled lengthily, "Of couuuurse, Angeeel of Deaaaath."

"How many will be on this list of yours?" I needed to be sure that I wouldn't be working for years on a list that would never be completed.

"It willll beee the list ooof threeeee."

"Three, three being whom?" As well as my tone, I tried to keep my patience leveled too.

"My beaautifully daarkeened souul, you willl only knooow of oneee at a timeee. That waaay no ruuush to do myyy wooorrk will beee maaade."

"And I'm suppose to trust you?" I knew my odds with this being weren't good, but at this point, he was the only thing to turn to. The only one to possibly undo the mess I've made.

I had to try.

For my light, my Ember.

And for my little flame.

"Haaave you nooot shakeen on aaa deaaal beforeee?" He chuckled slightly, but restated my conditions in order to reassure me. "The Saaaavvy blooodline will nooot be haaarmed, nor thooose clooose to it."

I contemplated for a moment before extending my hand out, "Then I'll shake on-" A weird noise sounding from Than seemed to even silence the ambient noise around us. "What is it?" I questioned, feeling a change in the air.

"We seeeem to haaave a couuunterring deaaaaleer."

Countering dealer? Who? And for what?

I was uneasy about this. "Shake my hand, Lord Than." I said in a more urgent tone than before.

A wind stronger than a gust picked up, swirling my mist in a chaos around me, before settling lightly to the ground. The noise of the world back.

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