7. Death Darkness Destruction ..

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Opening my eyes, I looked around and seen nothing but darkness.

The first thing I thought to do was panic, the last time I was engulfed in darkness, I felt like I could feel my life slipping away from me. Silly, knowing my life was already long gone. But still.. What I had left of it, felt like it was going to be taken.

I blinked a few times, adjusting my eyes until I could begin to somewhat make out the shapes of objects in the room. I was laying on an enormous bed with sheets so silky, it almost felt like I was sleeping on water.

I sat up, swinging my legs off the bed and placing my toes to the floor to stand up on my feet. I clutched the comforter closer to me and slowly began to walk, dragging it off the bed and then wrapping it around my body. Though it sounds stupid, the comforters had given me a small sense of security. Black as they might be.

I slowly made my way past the bed, almost knocking into a few dressers, but managing to steer clear of them last minute.

Where am I? Where's Ezra?

I walked until I found the nearest wall, placing my hands against it, and trailing along with it until I brushed a doorknob.

I slowly cracked it open. "E-Ezra?" I whispered, afraid to hear my own voice in the deafening silence.

I looked to the right. I could see deep, red walls accentuated with gold and black that looked like a very dark baroque design.

Small light fixtures hung on them with small burning flames, they went along the walls in a straight row until all I could see was darkness at the end of the hall.. hell, there didn't even seem to be an ending.

Definitely not that way.

I looked to the left.

Well aren't I a lucky one? The same scenery to my right as there was to my left.. except.. Is that.. there's a light. I see a light down there!

I stumbled my way down the never ending hall, clutching desperately to the comforter that draped over my shoulders.

The light gradually began to become bigger until I could make out doors along the halls. The one straight ahead was cracked open, which is where the light was emitting from.

I quickly passed by the other hallways, afraid of what beings could be lurking in their darkness. The only hall that seemed to have light was the one I was stuck in.

I slowed my pace, not wanting to make any noise as I approached the door. Though I felt like my heartbeat would have been loud enough to wake a neighborhood.. if I'd had one.

I didn't know who could be behind the door, I didn't want them to notice me before I was sure it would be safe.

I listened for a moment, only hearing what sounded like pen on paper. When I didn't hear anything else, I carefully aligned my face with the crack in the door, to peer an eye through.

The room was smaller than the one I'd been in and dimly lit, but I could still make out what was in it amongst the golden lighting.

A few bookshelves, a small couch set, some dressers and filing cabinets, an odd safe of some sort, and..

A head full of the darkest of hair you could ever set your eyes on. It was mesmerizing in the hues of the golden lighting.

His back was to me and he seemed to be concentrating on whatever was on the desk in front of him. Even from where I stood, I could tell he seemed to be tense. I watched him quietly for a moment, only watching the muscles in his arms flex as he wrote.

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