52. Belief And Faith .

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I startled myself with the noise of the book I'd been reading as it'd dropped from my lap as I shot upright. A book I was hoping to find answers in while waiting.

Myia entered the room I'd been staying in for what seemed like forever, but had only been what I presumed to be hours.

I was glad that she was okay. That I hadn't damaged her just like I seemed to do everyone I touched. But it wasn't just her that I was worried about.

"How is he? I need to see him."

"It's you we should be worried about, how do you feel?"

"No deflection, Myia, I need to see him." To touch him. Kiss him. Tell him I was okay, that it was okay.

"Miss Emberly-"

"Ember." I attempted to step aside from her and go around, but she stepped to block my way.

"Please, Ember.. I don't-"

"Myia, I really don't want to come across as the threatening type right now, because believe me, I'm not. But when it comes to that man out there-"

"I know, but-"

"No, you don't know. There are no buts. I'm going out there and I'm going to face him."

"He doesn't want to see you." She rushed out.

My eyes met hers defiantly. "I'm warning you, Myia." I tried to move towards the door again.

This time, I found a wing blocking my way.

And as scary, as unlike me as it sounded, as it'd felt.. the thought crossed my mind to hurt the poor girl. As if she hadn't already been through enough. And for the woman who was in so much favor of her mother to consider hurting her..

I backed away, appalled with myself.

"I-I'm sorry.." I grabbed at my chest, strangely having the need to gasp for air. "I don't know what's coming over me." I sat down, knees bent with my elbows to them, running my hands through my hair.

Not needing to see her, I felt the angel slide down beside me, her wing falling over me like a soft blanket. It comforted me as the many duvets of Ezra's home did when I'd first arrived.

"You know, Ember, it's okay.. to not be okay.."

I looked up at her and that was all it took. Every part of me felt like it'd cracked just a bit more. I cried.

"Oh, there there." She used her wing to cover me further. "I understand what it's like to need the one person you can't be around."

I sniffled, putting my head in between my knees.

"I was in love once." She smiled sadly, looking away as if to see something that wasn't there.. or rather, someone. "A dimension not far from this one." She sighed. "He was beautiful. Eyes that didn't belong to any world. Thick, wavy hair. Killer in leather."

I peered up at her.

She smiled sheepishly. "I know, I know." She shook her head. "Leather must only mean bad boy. He was.. darkness to most. And I guess you could say he was.. only.. to me, he was the most gentlest soul. He never would've hurt me, he never did."

Wrong. There's only one soul like that. And he's tearing himself up right now.

I wanted to say something, anything, but I didn't for two reasons. One, because as always, I didn't know what to say. And two, I'd probably just sound like a crying fool.. as always.

"He gave his soul up for me. In order for me to no longer teeter in and out of dimensions. To simply be.. me. Myia. His damnation was the cost." She placed her hand over her chest and a ring of golden light began to emit above her head like a levitating crown.

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