53. My Gods, You're Alive .

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He was like fire.. and ice.

Each of his cool fingers seemed to scorch a trail across my skin. Skin that only seemed cold and withered when apart from his.

Not a word was spoken, though the times where we'd managed to not necessarily stop, but come to a place where we might actually get a word out, neither of us chose to fill the silence.

It didn't need to be.

Because we'd filled it with dark, jet black hair and white-blonde wavy locks. Pale skin on top of pale skin, one radiating such a beautiful hue, the other like a smooth marble.

Wide, light blue eyes that managed to catch a peek of electrifying, deep blue ones before fluttering closed.

Long, muscled limbs that intertwined with feminine ones. Tight, chiseled abs with wickedly sharp cuts. Strong, smooth jawline that attached to the most perfectly structured face.

I could feel him everywhere. He surrounded me, every bit of me. And I wanted to selfishly do the same.

At some point, I placed my hand against his solid chest with one hand, while guiding his hand with the other towards my own.

Sitting up, as did he, my legs wrapped around his torso and his placed under mine, I looked up into those wildly blue eyes.

His brows furrowed, eyes dancing back and forth as if to question whether I really knew what I was asking. Though knowing Ezra, I didn't need to ask to know that he was more than willing.

Willing for me to..

"Azrael," My voice was hoarse from all the crying and not so terrible cries of pleasure as well.

I could feel the hum he let out as it vibrated against my hand, tickling my fingertips.

"There's no one I would rather have to spend eternity with than you. You've given me life within death, happiness within so much sorrow, and the power to take on anything. Hell, I can take you on." I smiled.

And could see his smile as it lit up the darkness. A smile so beaming, so radiant. A full set of pearly white teeth on display for me to see. The curl at each corner of his lips gave a little boyish charm to his usual reserved and mysterious, tough guy exterior.

I leaned in to kiss him. Wanting to feel the curve of his lips against my own. To feel his smile and know that I was an enormous reason as to why it was there.

"Do it." It was the first thing he'd said in hours. "But only if you truly understand what it means to be bonded."

"I vow to you my protection-"

"Ember.." His smile slowly faded, the seriousness that was usually evident slowly began to etch across his face once again.

"I vow to you my care and attention-"

"Em-" He started again, but closed his eyes as a slight chill made him shiver. His hand smoothed flatly across my chest. "Mmm.." He hummed, leaning his head back.

Tilting his head to the side, he seemed to be listening for something. Or rather someone, even more specifically, me.

Those sweetly whispered words that had filled my ears, which seemed to come from my own head, had to be giving him an earful.

Eternity, forever, always..

I could hear the whispers of his voice again.

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