9. Half Back To Life ..

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I opened my eyes and just laid there looking up at the ceiling. I had a strange feeling happening inside of me that'd awakened me.

Is it because here, wherever here is, I can sleep?

There, with the mortals, I just wandered. Nonstop. Twenty-four hours of the day. Seven days out of the week.

But here, when I closed my eyes, I could actually feel the pleasant tug of sleep against my consciousness. It was long overdue and well needed.

When I first began to slip into slumber, a numbing feeling washed over me that'd scared me shitless. But when the relaxation set in and the exhaustion of constant travel, I was comfortably and quickly deep in sleep.

Until this odd feeling suddenly woke me.

I got out of bed, unsure of the time, but having the feeling that it was late. Late by living standards at least. But I couldn't sleep, not with such a strong pull inside of me.

I slowly crept down the halls, not sure if I was looking for something in particular or simply just wandering around to shake the feeling I'd been woken up with. Before I knew it, I found myself back in front of the study of Death. This time, not hesitating to peer into the opening, but to my dismay, not a soul was there.

Good choice of words. I scoffed, letting out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. Another harsh breath escaping me, when I realized I'd been holding any breath that I didn't need at all. I was dead for crying out loud.

Pushing open the door, I padded across the room and took a cautious seat in the chair he'd been in earlier. A warm, tingling sensation settled over me as I relaxed into the seat. What the hell are you doing here, Ember?

Not just here as in his seat, in his study, here. But here as in the depths of the Underworld with Mr. Underworld himself. Please let my mind have joked about the Underworld comment.

Sighing, I threw my head back and closed my eyes, trying to settle the feeling that had woken me in the first place.

"You've finally risen."

I bolted out of the seat and upright, feeling naked without the comfort of any blanket I had normally been wrapping myself around in for a sense of safety.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm snooping again, I was just-"

"Warming Death's seat?" He tilted his head as if analyzing the situation before him, his eyes trailed the length of me softly but intently.

"I-I.." Damn, what was I doing in here? "Wait, what what do you mean finally?" I questioned.

"You've slumbered for some time."

"How long? A few hours? Into the next day?" I was irritated with how evasive his wording was. Details. I need details, Death.

"About a month."

"A MONTH?!" I couldn't contain my astonishment, and quite frankly, my anger.

"Give or take a couple of-"

"You let me sleep for a month straight? Why?! I was suppose to-" I shut my mouth before I offered too much information. Mike, Mike and I were suppose to meet. I blew it!

"Suppose to..?" His eyes slightly narrowed, as if he'd already known what I was about to say. But he couldn't. Could he?

Did Mike come while I was out? How could I ask him without telling on myself that I'd planned a meeting with Michael?

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