11. Limp And Lifeless ..

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"You wish to lead the way?"

I stopped, snapping my head up to look at him. I knew he could tell I was upset, not even by the way I'd walked ahead like I knew where we'd been going, but by the way I kicked things out of my way instead moving around them, or even huffing my breath out in frustration from time to time. Come to think of it, where had we been going?

"Alright, Death, wanna tell me where we're headed? If not, then don't bother saying anything else to me."

He one shoulder shrugged, passing me and continuing to walk ahead. "You want to act like a child, then you'll be treated like one." I heard him say.

"Azrael!" I stomped, not caring how childish it'd come off as. I was tired of having to wait on everyone for answers pertaining to my life. I'd agreed to do this for answers, yet the only thing I got was a cryptic asshole, and an absentee Scribe. Not to mention an always happy-go-lucky angel, who worked close to God, himself.

Black haze appeared in front of me, materializing as a structureless mass until I could make out a form of a body, and then a face. Where flesh and electric blue eyes should've been towering over and peering down at me, instead was a cloaked boney figure, with black abysses for eyes.

The aura radiating off of him hit me in doses. The first, was sickly and made me completely nauseous. The second, making my body tremble from the top of my head full of white blonde hair, all the way down to my pale bare toes.

And the last.. the last dose was the worst kind of medicine. One that came with it's own side effects.

I, myself, vanished.


I laid there.

I don't know for how long, but I knew it'd been for longer than I should've.

Apart of me knew I should've been found my way back to Ezra, but an even bigger part of me couldn't find it in me to move from this hillside.

The hillside I'd first met Michael on.

Just as I began to close my eyes, a small light shown directly in my left one, spreading until it blinded my right one too, and finally covering over the entirety of my body and then the space around me.

It was warm, peaceful.. welcoming. I wanted to close my eyes and bask in it, but the fear of what it was still screamed at me to keep my eyes open. Wide open.

The light felt alive, like it was rejuvenating my body and making me anew. My eyes still wanting to flutter closed. And I thought they were. Until I realized the darkness clouding my vision wasn't by my own lids, but the shadow of the object that was coming full speed down from the beam of light.

I moved as quickly to my side as I could before I got pummeled into the ground, tossing my head back to get a look once I'd managed to stop rolling.

A loud booming sound rippled through the air, the ground vibrating as the tall figure of a man sat on one knelt knee, one arm resting on it, and the other made into a fist against the ground. A crater perfectly circled around him. Wings outstretched, and before his golden head of hair even lifted, I could tell just who it was.

"Little pale one." I never thought I'd be so happy to see that stupid smile of his.

"Mike!" I pushed myself up and nearly tackled him to the ground, almost making him lose his balance.

His arms came around me and he stood, keeping me in an embrace. "Thank Heavens, you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay! Even better now that you're here!" I wanted to cry, but I'd done that the first time I met him and didn't want to bring back the memories of me looking like a blabbering fool.

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