Chapter 33 - The Captured Leader

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Elizabeth retells how they became great friends eventually fell in love and got married. Her father Raymund planned them to be close because they are rich family back then.

"Why Raymund would planned something like that?" Louise creased her eyebrows.

"He was a very greedy man and only wants power and money. He commands me to make him drink the love potions but without him knowing I'm not giving it. One night we argued and I found out I was pregnant and your grandfather happens to know it too. He threatened me of killing everyone I love if I didn't obey him I don't plan on going with his plan why I decided to tell your father everything." Elizabeth voice stared breaking up.

I can see this is hard for Regan to take and he is battling of what to do. I can understand it because I felt the same pain when Ette told me he loved Cedrik.

"Did you... kill him?" Louise whispered the last word. 

"No I didn't I was afraid for your life so I played along with Raymund but I never followed him. That night Augustus didn't come to our meeting place so I tried going to their house but since his mother is against us they didn't allow me to see or talk to him. Then one day I saw an ambulance outside their house and saw a body being carried... it belongs to your father." Elizabeth cried harder.

"If you didn't then who killed him?" Louise is now puzzled so as the rest of us.

"He ended his own life and I don't know the reason why he did it. We were so happily in love together back then." Elizabeth added.

"Do you think Raymund is also behind my father's death? If so then we really need a plan to make him confess everything Karl you said you have plans right?" Louise suddenly gets driven.

"Yes. This may sound strange but I want you all to listen." I started our plan.

"Do you think it will really work?" Ette said after hearing all the details.

"I am sure it will." I confidently said.

I checked in the time and we have exactly 20 hours to go before we leave. Everyone teleported to Hezerka except me, Ette, Elizabeth and Andreas went to the Hunter's club. Since Andreas is skilled on time manipulation he freezes the time while Elizabeth entered the premises. Ette made sure she shielded her Aunt before it happened and then we made our way to the office. We grabbed Raymund's hand and immediately brought him to the Barren where everyone is waiting. Eloise and Elizabeth made a witch trap not just for Raymund but for the whole tribe then we placed him inside the circle with different symbols. It was drawn using the four witches blood obviously belongs to the mothers and daughters tandem. Elizabeth inserted a potion in his veins that will twist the spell they all did. It doesn't take long enough for Raymund to finally opened his eyes and realize where is.

"It's nice of you to join us awake this time Grandfather." Louise mocked him.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Raymund denied but we can tell by his heart rate it was a lie.

"Cut the act father." This time it was Elizabeth.

"Althea what is the meaning of this?!" Raymund yelled.

"It's Elizabeth now have you forgotten my real name and my daughter?" Elizabeth deathly said.

"Ho---w did you remember?" His own mouth betrayed him.

"Perhaps I need to awake his memory about his other daughter too." Eloise came in to view with Ette behind.

"You see father everyone in this room helped me especially the human you wanted to kill. Who by way is a vampire, not just a normal one but an Elder because of them I am back to my old self. Funny thing is you told me we should kill them when in fact I should kill you for betraying and making me suffered." Elizabeth moved forward to his place.

"I don't wanna waste any time so tell me who killed the couple on that car accident ten years ago. You are the only person who witnessed it and you will answer me or I will have the tribe killed by your other granddaughter." Louise pointed to Ette.

"You will never get an answer from me the tribe will die anyway even if I say it." Raymund tough words.

"Ette please burn the Club now since this man over here doesn't have any conscience if they died." Louise strongly stated. 

"What can we expect? He was manipulative, greedy and evil person I can't believe I am even related to you." Ette spat at Raymund.

"You are just bluffing me! You can't actually kill them because they will eventually smell the vampires before they get any closer." Raymund rebutted.

"That is where you are wrong I don't smell one and I am a hybrid." Ette added venomously the word.

"Let's make it clearer so this man will understand. The Club is now in time warp and in any moment Andreas, my Chosen and the Master can destroy them so it's your call to tell us the truth or they will die including Levi." Eloise bravely commented.

"Free them and I will talk." Raymund demanded.

"You are not in the position to negotiate with us Raymund. You will answer to us and if we sense you are lying then each one of them will die with your own words."  I voiced out.

"What do you mean my own words?" His voice came out perplexed.

"We inserted potion in your system that will harm everyone in that Club in case you lie but if it's the truth one of each will be freed and will stay alive." Elizabeth explained further.

"Shall we begin or do you want us to show you how we kill a witch in front you?" Andreas stared full of grim.

"After that I will personally vanished you." Elizabeth uttered with pure disgust.

By now Raymund was rattled on his seat when we started walking towards him forming a circle. We can see, feel and sense his fear but we didn't expect him to have... regrets.

"NO! Leave them be they don't have any knowledge on this I will tell you everything Elizabeth, Eloise please just spare them they are your family too." He protested more like pleading.

"They are not my family!" Elizabeth looked at us with pride.

"If you want to spare them then start talking why did you erase Elizabeth's memory? Who killed Louise parents? And lastly, tell me if the tribe is working with someone else that almost killed my daughter!" Eloise burst out her anger.

"I did it to protect each and every one of you!" Raymund yelled in defence.

"Protect us from what? Who?" Eloise came closer seething.

"From the person who killed your sister." His voice is almost whispering.

It was then we all remember that she didn't tell us who killed her yet since we are all busy on finding all this spells about her daughter and curing Eloise.

"Elizabeth who killed you?" My turn to seek information.

"I can never forget the face of my murderer." She spoke with hatred.

"It was..." Andreas said the name and made us all horrified.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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