Chapter 15 - The Awaited Sign

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When I reached the penthouse I summoned Countess immediately seconds later I heard her call.

'Elder what is it? Have you talked to Adrian yet?' She forwardly began.

'He agreed Countess with two conditions.' I told her instantly.

'What exactly are they?' She's filled with inquisitiveness.

'First he wants to talk to Margo alone before the execution. Second we need to make sure his chosen cannot be harm.' I enumerated.

'I will talk to the rest of the Council if they agree then I will grant access for your arrival just notify me before you make the portal.' Her soft voice speaks.

'I hope they will be convinced enough.' I get up and closed the window blinds.

'I will contact you in two days time.' She declared.

'Fantastic!' I clapped my hands.

'In the meantime refrain from using too much Ette's ability. You will need a lot of energy to go to Extreme North and feed as much as you can Karlsten otherwise it will weaken you.' Countess warned me.

'I will take note of that Countess. Thank you.' I yield respectfully.

'Good. So about this chosen do you happen to know who she is?' Her words showed interest.

'She is the human whom Ette trusted Countess.' I made her familiarized.

'Does she know she is a chosen yet?' She inhaled deeply.

'I don't know but could be she is not very much fond of her chosen.' I cracked up.

'I pity the human since this is all new to her make sure she doesn't get involved. We can't risk any more human lives and if Ette would be here she will tell you to protect her at all cost.' Countess responds with sympathy.

Intellectually I know Countess words are true Ette specifically wants Louise to be safe and I felt the same way for her.

'She became a good friend of mine too so I will keep her safe.' I complied.

'We can't fail this mission and need to know who is behind all of this.' Countess demanded calmly.

'I understand Countess but I'm losing hope with few days left I can't seem to trace anything.' I admitted.

'I choose you because I believe you can do it just keep on digging. Now I need to go back at the Temple to arrange few things.' Countess linked out before I even said goodbye.

Instead of going back to office I proceed to the bedroom and lay my body. Memories of Ette and I came back in my mind and how much I am longing to be with her again. My eyes went to the flash drive and find the second video that Ette made I speedily get up and opened the file.


Hey my stranger husband! If you're watching this I bet you already get a hold of the Company so congratulations for doing the great job so far! I told you... you can do it and I'm proud of you! (Her voiced sounded so alive and happy)

Oh how I missed my kitten and her voice and realized I'm staring on her beautiful face.

"Where are you and why aren't you even contacting me?" I began to get frustrated.

Karl I know you are having a hard time right now because this is what I am feeling when I was recording this. Don't worry about me I am fine I just have to do this with Ava since she's my only means to track some Hunters. I can feel your pain and you're longing for me and I wish I can be there with you right now and do all the crazy things a couple should do. Yeah, you heard it right I was just too stubborn to admit that we are in fact a couple back then. (She blushed that I find cute on her)

"And we still are. You are just not here physically." I mumbled to myself.

You know I have a confession to make from the day I held you and my father as prisoners remember when you said I am your Chosen back then? I actually felt your sincerity but I was too blinded to listen to your words then I started to doubt Margo and Cedrik but kept it inside me and only Louise knew about it. She insisted to give you the benefit of the doubt so I agreed with the deal. The day we travelled back from the plane jealousy took over me when I saw how close you are with Ava. Because in my eyes you keep on taking her side and then you flirted with her I felt hurt but as soon as I recall everything I was so ashamed to even think that way. (She was blushing)

"You really are something Kitten getting jealous over nothing." I keep shaking my head and chuckling while hearing her confession.

Anyway what I am trying to say is... Running away from you was the worst mistake I ever did and I am sorry for not believing you the very first day I found out about you. (Her voiced cracked at the end)

"It's not your fault Kitten. Even if you don't remember it back then I would do anything to convince you because you mean everything to me." I spoke in silence.

Stranger (her playful voice came back) I know you're having difficulty in finding who is behind this just like me. In time we need someone to confide this so I am giving you a light push you're exactly in the right direction. Whatever plan you have in that smart head of yours trust me it is the right thing to do. (She gave me a smile that always takes my breath away)

She certainly knows how to boost my confidence. It feels as if her presence is here and watching me.

Don't lose your hope just like you didn't when I run away. You never stop finding for any loophole just to convince and take me back where I belong. I want you to be that man who is full of determination and courage Karl. (Her words gave me so much encouragement)

"I will Kitten I promise you I'm not going to stop searching." I positively stated.

So how is Louise did she start roasting you about me? If in any means you need to tell her everything you have my permission. Just promise me to keep her safe and out of trouble she really means a lot to me. If you don't I will come back there and castrate you myself. (Her tone sounded more like scolding me)

Damn I can't believe my Chosen can be this intimidating and threatening. But the thought of her being here for real is much better though. I shook the thoughts away and focus on her video.

Talk to you soon my fake husband! I love you stranger and I will for eternity. (She blew me the kiss once more and the video stopped)


I closed the laptop and search every loophole there is to find then a thought suddenly comes in my head like a bullet. Thanks to my Chosen who gave the brightest idea.

Now there is one person I can count on regarding this I just have to prepare myself for her never ending rants.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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