Chapter 31 - The Convincing Proof

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We all waited for her to finally let everything sink in it was like watching a movie where you didn't even know what the ending is. It was a breaking silence until Louise spoke.

"I... I am... Ange--line?" She stuttered.

"Yes my child it is you. You are my daughter and I am your mother." Elizabeth grabbed her hand. 

"No... it can't be my parents died from car accident and I have a sister too." She opposed the idea.

"They are your foster parents Louise." Andreas convinced her.

"But I am only 24 and even if you're saying are true. It is still impossible because Althea I meant Elizabeth's daughter could be more or less thousand years old." Louise tried thinking logically.

"In our world every thousand is equivalent to forty years here in human world, if you are 24 then your act age is 960. My age is 46 now and I gave birth to you in 1840 when I was 22 that was 880 years ago." Elizabeth thoroughly calculated the dates.

"To be honest I don't want to believe that. A part of me dictates my family especially my parents are biological they didn't even for once let me feel I was a adopted. They raised and loved me like a real daughter especially my Mom and I love her just as much. I'm sorry Althea or Elizabeth but that's true but then my heart and mind believes you are telling the truth because you will never bother wasting time coming here telling me this story but you've got to understand... this is all new to me. I don't have any proof or any memories about it and my parents are not even here to testify this." She gave out a very doubtful yet meaningful argument. 

"I know this is a lot to take in Louise and we understand your feelings. That is why Andreas is here to help you along if you would allow him." I shifted my gaze to Andreas.

"What if I don't agree to it? I don't want to sound rude but it's like you are invading my life." She seems harder to be convinced.

Like a lightning bolt I recalled my conversation with Ette and I know who can definitely convince her. In time Ette reached my thoughts just as I was about to.

'Karl, I am going back now with a very important information about Louise.' She asserted.

'Kitten I was to tell you about it too.' I gave in all the information that Elizabeth told me.

'Take her to the penthouse with Elizabeth only it's time I meet Louise face to face again.' Ette ordered sweetly I can see imagine her phasing around with excitement.

'See you there. Love you Kitten.' I comply with her instruction.

'Love you too.' Our line was off. 

"Andreas, Elizabeth, Adrian can you please gave me and Louise a moment?" I interrupt them.

"Karl if you are going to convince me then it will not happen besides you lied to me about the blood. How sure am I that you are not lying again?" She actually nailed that question.

"I cannot convince you but someone will and I am taking you and Elizabeth there." I grabbed her hand fast.

"Where are you going?" The four sets of eyes are focus on me.

"Don't worry they will be safe in my hands. When we get back I am thoroughly and completely sure Louise believes everything we said. Just wait for us here we need to do it together." I confidently told them.

"Andreas take Eloise she can meet her niece also Apprentice Regan might want to join since it involves Elizabeth. Adrian feed yourself and we still need to discuss about our travel when we get back." I instructed them.   

All the men nodded in agreement since they have no choice just like that we teleported to Ette's penthouse and they launched to the couch. Good thing Ette already arrived and carrying an envelope.

"Who owns this place?" Elizabeth was in awe.

"It belongs to me." Ette suddenly came out from the bedroom.

"Ette!! Oh god!! You are finally here when did you came back? I missed you!!" Louise hugged her while we watch them.

"I was here few days ago. Sorry had to keep it since we are not ready to tell you yet because of Adrian." Ette pulled away softly.

"I understand you have a lot of things to explain." Louise pointed her finger at her.

"Yes it is and we will start from your real name." Ette started and Louise stayed silent.

"You also knew about it?" This time it was Elizabeth.

"I will explain everything I just found this out while I was on my mission." Ette paused. 

The two women are giving Ette's a smile of pride and joy while me on the other hand felt even more intrigued, amazed and deeply fall in love with my Chosen. She is really the smartest and most beautiful woman I have ever met. My thoughts were cut when I heard my name called by Elizabeth.

"Karl is that true you knew about it?" She slightly shook my shoulder.

"What? Oh... the mission yes I do." I zoned out and Ette gave me a soft glare.

Damn! How can I get so lost and didn't able to hear everything that Ette said. I am so screwed later.

"Anyway Louise remember when you caught me feeding and I didn't do anything to you? It's because I have a feeling of sparing your life and I know why...because you are my cousin. The only daughter of Elizabeth's a Saunders, your real Mother and your real name is Angeline Saunders." She hand her a yellow envelope.

"Where did you get them?" Louise opened it.

"I have obtained those papers while searching of a certain Hunter for the death of your foster parents. I found this out a week later after my background check on you. I'm sorry for keeping this from you and if there is a chance that I can make it up to you I will gladly take it." Ette grabbed her hand.

"Why did you wait this long?" Louise started crying.

"I don't have the heart to tell you yet because you have a lot on your plate back then. You have Lorraine to worry about and that is enough stress for you besides I don't want to tell you without knowing if your real Mom is still alive. I don't want to give you false hopes again considering I know how much you long for parents attention and love. If I told you back then and found out that you're adopted but your real mother is also dead then you will once again crash. I don't want it for you Lou. You have suffered enough or maybe thousand years and I can't bear to see you hurt again." Ette explained in same manner.

"I understand. You said you gathered information about my foster parents too. What did you learned about their death?" Louise wiped her tears.

"Lou they didn't died accidentally it was by intention I was close to getting to know the murderer but apparently I didn't quite reach that part anymore considering I am here now with you. The great news is there is one witness and he is a Witch hunter too." Ette sounded defeated but victorious too.

"Who was it?" Louise became lively again.

"His name is Raymund Turner." Ette switch gaze from her to Elizabeth.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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