Chapter 27 -The Alternative Option

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An hour passed and Apprentice returned with very exhausted his clothes are splurged with dirt and smelled like an animal's blood.

"What in the world happen to you?" It was Ava's voice.

"To hell and back." Regan snappy come back.

"Did you get everything?" Elizabeth walked towards him.

"Here." Regan hand over a bag.

"Thanks. Nice work my Chosen." Elizabeth's word caught Regan off guard.

"Say it again." He repeated with smile written all over his face.

"You are my Chosen right? You claimed it right on this very room." Elizabeth extended her hand motioning the room.

"I was just surprised." Regan is smiling like crazy.

"Just because I didn't say it doesn't mean I didn't acknowledge you." She reasoned out.

"Thank you my Chosen." Regan finally held Elizabeth for the first time.

"Okay enough with that lovey act lovebirds I am so jealous mine isn't here." Ava teased.

"Right I need to get this potion done so we can go cure my sister." Elizabeth's has a determined expression.

She started gathering the tools while Ette help her in everything. There is a bowl where she placed every ingredients and a bottle. She poured it one by one and a green smoke came out from it.

"What exactly all those stuff can do?" Ette pointed to the ingredients.

"You will learn it soon especially most of my memory is back I and your Mother will teach you how to be a real Witch Hunter." Elizabeth touched her face.

"Thanks I guess." Ette commented and I just know she isn't comfortable being called that way.

"Anyway for starter garlic has a lot of antioxidants for sickness. The salt act as a cleanser while lion's claw signifies strength and the feathers represents as protection against harm. Lastly my blood will signify our bond and it could help her regain the memory about her past life." Elizabeth explained.

After mixing everything in the bowl and reciting weird language the potion was made. The water turned purple and there was a fog coming from it.

"Now we are ready to cure your mother." She spoke holding the bottle.

"Before that I need to contact my sister to alert her of your expected arrival." I specifically told them.

I left them for a moment and tried to link my sister but it doesn't work so I just punched her number.  


Me:    Brie is everything okay with you? I've been trying to reach your mind but it seems you block me out. (My tone got stressed)

Brie:   Karl I'm okay just exhausted I purposely shield it after what happened earlier sorry I should have told you. (She sounded weak)

Me:    Yeah Ava told me what happened I'm telling you do not stretch your ability. (I can tell she is rolling her eyes at me right now) 

Brie:   Don't worry. It's just that aura was too strong and affected me this much. Tell me does your theory were right and Ava succeeded on her task? (She assured me)   

Me:    Actually that is the reason I am calling you with regards to your question she partially has it but still need more of her memory. Meet them at the same lake in an hour so you have enough time to tell Andreas. (I instructed)

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