Chapter 1 - The Odd Reunion

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It's been few hours after the wake has ended and Ette's remain were now at the Empires Chamber. It is located in the heart of Fortress and guarded by the selected guards. As for me I feel my head is like full of balloons and my heart is full of agony that it's almost breaking. I decided to go in my bedchamber and just wallow myself in sorrow just as I was about to enter my name was called.

"Karlsten may I have a word with you for a minute?" Countess Belona and Andreas approached me.

"Of course." I stopped on my tracks.

"Andreas already told me about your twin I want to know if you told your parents yet." She creased an eyebrow.

"I haven't Countess we might share the same blood but I will never accept him as my brother." I balled my fist thinking what he has done.

"Andreas how do you think Karlsten's parents will feel about it?" Countess switched her eyes on him.

"Honestly Countess I don't know. They have been searching for their son for so long and it will be the first time they will meet him but I'm afraid they will plea for the Councils sympathy if they find out." Master brought the idea.

"That's what exactly I have in mind since he doesn't know about them surely my parents will be please to know he is alive." I agreed.

"They still need to know Karlsten and from there I will take the necessary actions. After all it's your last day here so give them some peace before you go." Countess made rational remarks.

"As you wish Countess." I nodded and stayed silent.

"Andreas please call their presence together with Briella in Karlsten's bedchamber. Thank you." Countess ordered nicely.

Andreas left and while we're waiting inside my bedchamber. Countess swirled her hands and suddenly I felt an aura being in a bubble. After a while my family arrived it never occurred to me that it will be the last time I considered them as one.

"Countess Belona you called upon us." Mom was first to speak and bowed.

"Superior Klaudia and Superior Baron I know everyone of you can sense the shield it's because I want to protect the information and keep it private. The less the people know the less complication it will bring understand?" Countess stated firmly.

"Countess we vowed to keep the secrecy until you direct us to reveal it." Dad committed words.

"Now I was oriented that your first born are twins both boys isn't that right?" Countess went directly to the point.

"Yes Countess it was correct if it isn't so much of prude why did you ask?" Mom confirmed and my sister was shocked to say the least.

"I have another brother? Why didn't you tell me? Karl did you know about this?" Briella begins to rant.

"I didn't know until yesterday when Andreas told me he found out about him. I am as shocked as you are considering our parents didn't tell us about it." I honestly told her.

"Because we concluded he died Andreas was Karlsten statement is true? Did you really find him? Where is he?" Dad raised the questions.

"Superior calm down and one questions at a time please. Now let Andreas answered it for you." Countess gets in the way.

"Klaudia, Baron its true and he turns out to be a vampire I have found him the day I was in search for Ette in Finland. I wanted to verify if that is Kurt before telling Karlsten since it's been 631 years past after the day he was gone." Andreas started the story.

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