Chapter 28 - The Spell Ingredients

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I stayed inside the Barren since I specifically told them I will be waiting it's also the safest place away from Hunters and vampires. I am very certain that we will restore Elizabeth's memory I was interrupted when I sense their presence again.

"Karlsten we meet again." Andreas greeted me. 

"Andreas... Eloise it was nice to see you finally in healthy condition." I saw Elizabeth returned together with Apprentice.

"Yeah the spell worked and Ette explained everything to us." Eloise nods with a bright smile.

"That is great to hear I am sorry I couldn't tell you that before it was Ette's wish." I was part of it.

"It is over and done there is no need to dwell on something that really didn't happen. I just hope you told us sooner but I understand why my stubborn daughter did it." Eloise words made me relief.

"Thanks where is Ette anyway?" I addressed my concern.

"She said Ava found something that might be useful on her mission. Ette said you knew about it and tell you not to worry." Eloise furrowed her brows.

"So everything is back in order? You remember clearly now Elizabeth?" I nodded and note to contact Ette a bit later.

"Yes I also remember I have a daughter to find will you help me please?" Elizabeth requested gently.

"Who and where is she?" I uttered in shocked.

"I don't know I haven't seen her from the day I was revived and our father took her away from me." She sounded angry and depressed same time.

"You mean Raymund right?" I assumed it is him.

"Yes." She confirmed.

"How am I supposed to help you if we don't know what her face is like or where she is located?" I felt disoriented.

"We are going to trace her using a bond spell but there is one problem. We need to get her blood." Eloise got stressed.  

"Great! Meaning I need to find them again." Regan remarks sarcastically.

"Spell only works with the right ingredients." Elizabeth whacked Regan's head.

"What exactly you need then?" I avoided not to laugh.

She scanned the room then found a pen and paper by the bed side table. She began writing as we wait for her. 

"Let me see... a rope soaked in holy water from Israel; two white candles from beeswax in Australia; a Saffron herb India; and your daughter's blood." Regan enumerated everything.

"Regan please get them in an hour." She requested deadpanned. 

"Why is it always me?" Regan complained.

"Because I said so now go." Elizabeth glared at him deathly and Regan followed like a lost puppy.

"Since you are her mother will the spell work if you use your blood instead of? Maybe it could somehow help." I ideally intercept.

"Oh yeah that's right we almost forgot that it could actually work." Eloise verified.

"You didn't tell me what her name is maybe one of Ette's employees actually has that name." I added.

"Her name is Angeline Saunders." She concedes.

"Give me an hour I will just go to Ette's office and check all the employees name." I didn't wait for their answers and left the Barren. This is the most exhausting day I ever did in one day using too much teleporting is draining me. Quickly I head to Louise office by now she adapts our way of knocking.

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