Chapter 8 - The Hunters Nest

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I'm back at the penthouse after short goodbye to Apprentice I felt the need to lay down but my mind called up to find the vault. I stopped for a while seeing all my Chosen's intimate clothes made me imagine her on it. If she would be here I'll make her wear them then we will make sweet love and let her claim me. I shook my head and focus on finding the specific spot instead.

Two minutes top I saw the vault and placed the right combination I started reading each names when I come across of a certain name and address.  An idea pops in my head I changed my clothing and applied the oil again. I'm determined to find out who is Regan's chosen and everything about those Hunters. I reached the place and found out it was a Club it was the Hunter's place. Perfect!

"The Archers Club." I read it with pure venom.

I entered and found an empty chair and sat there. Everyone smells Hunters and it makes my blood boil some are wasted while playing a pool and some just sitting laughing to whatever reason they have. A couple of them are discussing what weapon is better to kill vampires I suppressed the hiss that's about to come in my throat and tried to control my raging emotion.

'I'm a vampire and I could rip all your throats right now.' I said to myself.

"Scotch on the rocks please!" I yelled to catch the bartender's attention.

The guy nodded and after few minutes I got my glass. My eyes began to roam around while tapping my hands on the table.

"I never saw your face here before you seems new in this town." A man around my age suddenly sat beside me.

He has blue eyes and black hair lastly I sense power on his aura. He can be the new leader so I have to act nicely.

"What makes you think I'm new?" I curiously sniffed his scent.

"Actually it's our Club and people knew each other here I'm still young with sharp mind." He eyed me for a minute.

"This place is great." I faked my compliment.

"Thanks so where did you come from you're not an American right?" His tone came out friendlier this time.

"No and I came from Germany and I was just here for business and leisure." I matched his tone.

"I'm Levi." He offered a hand.

"Karlo." I introduced back giving a firm shake.

"What type of business you do then? Certainly this place doesn't suit yours." He inspects my clothes.

"Just like you I manage a Club." I realized I'm wearing corporate attire.

"Great choice! I will leave you here and enjoy yourself man." He patted my shoulder.

I was left alone again and made a mental note to know about that man. I was on my third glass when I heard a woman's voiced behind me.

"Hi! I'm Althea! I saw my brother approached you earlier I hope he didn't intimidate you." She gave a warming smile.

She got green eyes and I think she's twice Ette's age but she somehow resembles of someone I know. Anyhow I don't really care if she's older I need to get close to her and she seems very easy to talk to.

"No wonder you have resemblance with him I'm Karlo and to answer your question he wasn't that bad." I swig the drinks.

"That's better to hear than him skinning someone alive. Anyway how do you like this place?" She scoots closer to me.

"It's great! I think I'll hang out here more if you will be here every time I come by." I flashed her smile.

"Young generations and their attitude." She mumbled.

Too bad I can hear her clearly but then I have to act.

"Althea father wants to speak with you." Her brother suddenly cut us off.

"Be right back young man." She stands from the chair and huffed.

"Sure." I followed her with my eyes.

When she entered a room I used my sensitive hearing. I have suspicions it's going to be about me so I eavesdrop their conversation.


"What does the young man want? Levi informed me about it just now." I guess that's their father.

"All I got was a name and what he is doing here nothing else." She back talked him.

"Don't use that tone on me Althea." The man voice gets roared inside the office.

"Spare the young man father. He is just another guest in this Club." She defended me.

Hmmm I guess she isn't bad as she the rest of them but still they are enemies and I won't fall for that. I wonder if Ette has been on this place yet.

"I can sense something is off from him. Stay away from that young man." Her father demanded.

"What get you all riled up again father? You were okay before you went out this afternoon." She ignored her old man.

"That tactic of yours won't work Althea I meant what I said or I have no choice but kill that guy." His voiced sounded harsh. 

"You are overreacting and grumpy again. We will just talk later when you are calm." Her footsteps can be heard.


Now I need to be smarter and be more cohesive to do my plan. This will be a win-win situation for me I can eliminate them one by one while getting closer to that woman. With that thought I smiled and paid attention to the crowd.

"Sorry for earlier interruption." Althea with apologetic manner.

"I understand." I smiled but grunting inside my head.

"So what does a young man doing alone tonight? Aren't you supposed to have some buddy with you?" She hand me a bowl of peanuts.

"Just checking the town and no I don't have any friends here. I actually just moved here for business." I half-way lied.

"I see.  Anyway I need to get back at the office my father is a bit off today. You know old man can sometimes be grouchy." She starts walking away.

"Yeah I bet they do that more often." I agreed thinking about my own parents.

She's too oblivious of what I am capable of and this is my chance to get into their world. The fact they are Hunters and hearing their conversations earlier made me eager to know more. I will use her I'm sure she will lead us to their leader and possibly the culprit behind Ette's alleged death. The music is blasting in my ears while I keep my senses alert for anything unusual. Soon I decided to call it a night and found Althea doing some rounds on the table. 

"Just wanna say goodbye and thanks for earlier. I better get going it's getting late and I have an early meeting tomorrow." I opened my wallet.   

"I'll tap your drinks as my apology." She stopped my hand.

"No I can't do that. How gentleman I am if I let the lady pays?" I took my card out.

"I insist." She placed my card into my pocket.

"Thanks you're a nice person Althea." I prepared to leave.

"You seem a nice young man too I'll see you around sometime." She recovered from my compliment.

"I'll take a rain check on that but if it helps the Club is really amazing and the drinks too." I covered my act.

"Thanks Karlo. See you again young man." She waved her hand.

I hailed a taxi to the outskirts of town and stopped at some convenient store. I went behind the building and making sure I was alone. After some minutes I teleported back at the penthouse with a glorious smile.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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