Chapter 23 - The Formed Theory

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I let Ette tell our theory so it will be easy for Ava to do the process later while I decided to grab some bags. I gave Ava some of it since she needs to be well fed and energized. It's ten passed seven and I'm expecting Althea's call since it's exactly 12 hours since we let her go I'm hoping she will make the right decision. True to her words my phone began ringing and I answered it.


Me:     I was just expecting your call. (I picked up soon as her name appeared)

Althea:     Tell your wife I'm willing to help you. (She immediately said)

Me:     Thank you Althea. (My relieved sigh)

Althea:     As long as my tribe will not take part in any of your revenge plan.     (She lays her conditions on the spot)

Ette grabbed the phone from     me which I don't mind since she made that deal with her.

Ette:     I can't guarantee their security but if it makes you feel better I will not touch them as long as you stick to our plan. (Ette fairly negotiated)   

Althea:     Sounds fair and convincing to me. (She matched my tone)

Ette:    Good. Meet us at the same place last night in an hour there's something we need to talk. (Ette gave clear instruction)

Althea:     Okay. (She agreed without any complain)

Ette:     See you then. (She dismissed the call)


She gives the phone back to me and went back talking with Ava. Since Althea already knows about us there is no need to use the oil but just to make sure I brought it with me. 

"What is that bottle for?" Ette smelled it quickly.

"It's herb that will make you smell like human." I justified her query.

"Who gave it Althea?" Ette gave a scowl face.

"No Countess did." I shrugged my shoulder.

"Oh okay." Ette lowered her voice.

"Are you sure you fed enough Ava?" I studied at her.

"I am now Elder." She confirmed with a nod.

"Let's get going then. We have exactly an hour to discuss about Althea's information." I pulled Ette beside me.

They nodded and we teleported to the Barren. We hand Ava the files that Ette and I got from the vault last night.

"What is this book all about?" She examined the content.

"It's the list of every name of Witch Hunters. This one is Elizabeth's family names and their geneology." I hand over the brown folder.

"I am now more convinced that Cedrik and Margo were working for someone how come they knew all about Elizabeth and her bloodline." Ava logically stated.    

"The possible reason we can come up with is he did a research on me and Elizabeth's name came out." Ette sat on the couch and we followed.

"I find it strange why Eloise didn't know about this and your bloodline?" Ava voiced her opinion out particularly to Ette.

"I have a theory when Mom's memory was erased the Councils included her past. Meeting Dad again triggers only some parts of her life particularly about him. If she lost that part too then it will be hard for us to know this." Ette placed a hand on her temple.

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