Chapter 21 - The Founder's Wife

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Exactly 45 hours left all of us are getting restless since the Execution is almost up so Ette and I decided not to waste any time. I quickly called Althea to accompany me to the cemetery and she accepted without any objection.

"Louise I will be leaving early and please cancel all the appointments. Thanks." I proceed to the lift.

"Okay Karl." Louise yelled while typing away on the computer.

I went back to the penthouse where Ette is waiting for me. I quickly dabbed the oil while she's checking me out.

"You better keep those thoughts away Kitten otherwise I will have no other choice but forget this plan." I smirked and saw her blush.

"I wasn't saying anything." She defended.

"Your action does Kitten. Come on before I lose my control again." I pecked her lips and grabbed the car keys.

Since I need to pick up Althea I have to drive while Ette teleports to her destination. Just before I came to pick up Althea I called Apprentice.


Me:         Apprentice it's time to leave now. (I began soon as he said hello)

Regan:   Where is the location Elder? (His voice thrilled)

Me:       At Hezerka you can pass it just like last time. (I alerted him)

Regan:   Thank you Elder. (He tensed up)

Me:         One more thing wear some nice clothes, shave your growing beard and take a shower. I'm sure you don't want your Chosen to run away again with your stinky smell. (I chuckled and hang up)


I drove in speed limit giving Althea time to prepare since she's a human. Twenty minutes later I parked the car outside the Club and in time I saw Althea coming out in a hurry.

"Hey! Where is the fire woman?" I joked seeing how she runs towards the car.

"If you don't want Levi dragging me back inside we better get going now." She opened the door.

"As you wish milady." I used an English accent and we started the car.

"How is your sister doing?" She buckled up.

"She's doing great and saying hi to you." I lied since I really didn't talk to Louise after the incident.

"Where is the cemetery located?" She grilled me again.

"It will be an hour drive so just sit and relax." I informed her.

An hour ride was all about her wanting to know about my wife like name, age and what she do. So I told her it's Mina, 24 and housewife she seems satisfied with my answers. Finally we reached the tunnel and I felt her tension but trying to stay calm. I know what she is capable of so I made the necessary precautions in case she runs.

"Is everything okay?" I diverted her attention.

"I... uhmm... yeah." Her tone sounded unsure.

"The cemetery where Mina was buried is close here. Are you okay to walk so I can show it?" I glanced at her.

"But there is no cemetery on this part of the area." She started to panic.

"YOU.WILL.COME.WITH.ME." I compelled her but somehow it didn't work. Strange!

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