Chapter 25 - The Vampire's Pledge

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I was phasing inside my Chamber with very disturbed thoughts my plan supposed to be doing great right now. One of my alliances were already dead not that I cared because they are all imbecile and useless. I'm glad they are now rotting in hell because no one will know that it was me.

You see when I found out about my first descendant having human as Chosen I was outraged because I was the first human being turned. I taught him everything he needs to know about being a great vampire and convinced that it's better without a Chosen. My creation agreed but it was gone when this human appeared whom I know will not bring good to my descendant and the Clan. I was right the moment I saw the human I knew what I had to do and I tried to make my descendant realized its worthless a human but my stubborn descendant didn't listen. That's when my accomplices came in.

I wasn't able to persuade him and I want his Chosen be gone but somehow the human was protected. Later on I found out it was the Hunter named Mallory so I made an alliance with him in exchange he can have the human. I made intensive research and found out the human's lineage belongs to the person I loathed and killed long time ago.

"The transportation is ready for your departure." One of the guards knocked on my door breaking my trance.

"Perfect! Now carry my things." I ordered and he nodded.

I exited my bedchamber and decided to go where I planned first since I have a higher rank no one will question my authority for coming an announced. By now most guards are busy hunting the rest of the Shadows so it's easy to get in. Suddenly I felt different just like before but couldn't fathom and I don't have much time so I brushed it off. I get inside the Barren and entered my descendant's bedchamber. Luck is really on my side because I saw the human alone and laying at bed with very weak heartbeat. I can smell my victory obviously my descendant will not allow it to happen but nothing can be done. I noticed the heart rate monitor is almost flat and only breathing from the stupid machine. 

"I have expected this day will come that I will see you in this form and I'm proud of it. I tried to kill you but end up getting escaped now I know why." I walked towards the bed.

"You're kind is the reason why I loathed you from the beginning. You made me remember the day they destroyed my life let me tell you a story." I sat on the chair and started talking.

"Once there was a man full of life and loves only one woman. She was the love of his life, the air he breathe and the sun in his darkest hour. Back then they were great friends always together and can never be apart until they become lovers and married. Even though the man's Mother was against it he stood on his ground and claimed his love for her. He left that night and went directly at their house while I followed him discreetly. The moment he stepped in to their porch we heard every word of betrayal in their filthy mouths." I reminisce the day.

(FLASHBACK --- thousand years ago)  

"I see the boy was smitten by you good work my daughter I am so proud of your accomplishment you managed to give him that love potion in so little time. Now that you have succeeded on it I want you to recite the spell before you give the last potion tonight." A man's voiced said.

"Fa--ther I think it's time for you to stop this." The woman's voice debated nervously.

"Listen here young lady you will obey me!" Her father voice came out cruel.

"I can't do it. Please father I beg you." She is almost breaking.

"Do it or I will destroy everyone you love I can do it without a doubt." He threatened his own daughter.

"But I---" She tried to speak but was cut off. 

"Not a word. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" His voiced becomes more rigid.

"Ye---es father." Her terrified voice.

That night he came home and cried so much that it breaks my heart seeing how devastated he was. For a week he locked himself and never allowed anyone in his room. On the tenth day I decided to check on him and the scene before me was too much to bear. I found him lifeless on his bed with full of blood and a sliced wrist. I have no choice but watch him being carried away in my arms. His mother didn't take it and she fell ill then died so I promised on their graves I will take revenge on their deaths. One day a man saw me crying in front of the graves and poured my heart out on him. He rendered his help because we have one thing in common we hated your kind. To fulfil my promise I gladly accepted it and was the rightful thing to do. Sadly my creator was also my Chosen he was captured and died in the hands of your kind six months after my turned. By then my anger rises and the first thing I did was to find Elizabeth. Two years after searching I found her and secretly trail her everyday routine until the right time comes when I finally have her in my hands I killed her. But it wasn't enough I want every member of her family to pay for what they did to them so I traced every generation left to my luck you are one of them and happens to be my descendant's Chosen.


"I despised you in every fibres of my existence I am going to do exactly what I have promised on their graves." I venomously said while walking beside the power plug.

"I will kill you just like what I did to her and every witch hunter I find that exist. I have a lifetime to do it all and people are willing to help me with my revenge." I whispered in human's ear.

I was few steps away from her when I sensed someone coming closer. I made sure not to leave any of my trace just like I always do and left immediately.

"You're lucky but next time I return it's the end for you Eloise." I uttered to myself.

I head to airport and travelled to Extreme North which is the darkest place on earth. We also need to travel by air to avoid any unwanted vampires and all the invited vampires will stay at the Manor before the Execution.

I booked the early flight so I have enough time to talk with my accomplices. If in any case they betray me or someone finds out about my plot I still have my last dose of success.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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