Chapter 9 - The Apprentice Chosen

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Since my mind is full of speculation I decided to visit Apprentice Regan. I grabbed the bottle and teleported to his place.

"Elder." He bowed his head and let me through.

"Apprentice I need you to come with me but first apply this so no one will suspect you."  I handed him the bottle.

"What is inside this bottle?" He smelled it.

"It's herb like a perfume it will hide your scent from any Hunters that is the reason why I'm not being traced even by you." I helped him understand.

"Where did you get this?" He started applying it.

"I have ways." I pat his shoulder.

"Where are we exactly going Elder?" He returned the bottle.

"I want you to confirm if the Hunter I met is your Chosen." I command.  

"But I can't go near her she hates me." He sounded like a girl right now.

"Will you stop whining Apprentice? All we have to do is lurk around discreetly besides she can't sense us now." I reprimand him.

"Yeah right my Apologies Elder." He lowered his head.

"Okay enough with formality. We need to go the Club will be closing in any minute." I motioned my head.

Soon we arrived on our standing two meters away from the Club a minute later I saw her coming out with a guy in tow who approached me. They were laughing and the guy had his arm around her shoulder I can see Apprentice stiffen while trying not to kill the guy. With that reaction I'm certain but before Apprentice do anything stupid I teleported us back to his place. Now I can execute my plan clearly and he needs to know everything.

"HOW DARE HE!! I AM GOING TO RIP HIS FUCKING THROAT!!" Regan get steamed up and I find it very amusing.

"I knew that's her based on the description you gave to me." I confirmed while watching him phasing around like an idiot.

"Do you know who that BASTARD is Elder?" He is totally losing his temper.

"Will you quit moving your ass?" I sat on the chair chuckling.

"Maybe that's the reason she doesn't want me she has a boyfriend and it's a damn Hunter and FUCKING YOUNGER THAN ME of all the guys out there it has to be those people?!" His face is turning red from anger.

"Will you relax and listen to me?" I turned serious but failed miserably.

"You think this is hilarious Elder tell me what would you feel if that was Ette in the arms of the other man?" He retorted. 

"I will chop off the head but then I wouldn't be if I know she's with her brother." I finally blurted it out.  

"She's with who?" He was taken aback for a moment.

"You heard me." I grabbed one of the books on his desk.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" He is now embarrassed.

"You totally zoned out and forget that I was here." I flipped the pages absentmindedly.

"Wait! How did you know it was her brother?" He recovered from his dilemma. 

"I met her on that Club her name is Althea." I filled him in.

"Since you are now somewhat in getting to know stage my Chosen can I at least know more about her too?" He sarcastically inquired.

"For starter she is clueless of what I am and they own the Club. Her brother named is Levi but I haven't met the father yet." I narrated everything including the conversation I heard.

"Do you think her father is the new leader?" Regan gets curious as I do.

"I don't know either but he could be that's why I need your consent to my plan since your Chosen is involved in it." I added on.

"What exactly are you planning to do Elder?" He folded his arm.

"I need to get close to her and pretend I am interested. It's the only way to get access about her life as Hunter and how the Club actually runs." I glanced at him.

"Yes Elder I understand even if I disagree you are the only one who can get to her." He nodded with glint of sadness.

"Exactly my point Apprentice we can't allow any mistakes on this and it has to be done according to my plan." I stated fervently.

"I agree but as her chosen I order you not to kiss or be touchy with her." He possessively stated.

"Done although it will not be my fault if she makes the first move I'm still a guy after all." I teased him.

"NO! That is way beyond our agreement." He profusely declined.

"Relax Apprentice I'm just riling you up I will never do it it's like I am cheating on Ette." I admitted.

"At least we are cleared on this." He tensely agreed.

"I don't like her that way Apprentice and also she is way out of my league. Ette will always be my Chosen and I will never be interested in anyone." I assured him.

"It must have been hard loosing someone you waited all your life to love and cherish then suddenly... gone." He paused and uttered the last word.

"It is." I really don't know how to comment on that.         

"You know I still can beat your ass for going out with her Elder or not Althea is still my Chosen." He breaks the silence.

"I would like to see you try Apprentice." I friendly challenged him.

He launched at me and we were on the ground fighting like cats and dogs. Everything is breaking apart and the house is almost trashed midway of sparring we stopped and started laughing. We never get any scratches since we are vampires and no blood to shred.       

"If any other vampire saw us like this they will think we are losing our heads." He pointed out.

"Tell me about it." I dusted myself.

"Elder... how did you break the barrier?" He finally spoke his thoughts the other night.

"The day before Ette... passed away I claimed her." I paused thinking if I should say it or not.

"That explains it." Regan seems contented.

"About the plan I will keep going out to the Club to roam around. Meeting and talking to her is our chance to get her to trust me or at least be comfortable around me. I'm telling you in advance so you know what's going to happen." I begin standing up.

"Thanks for letting me know Elder I appreciate it a lot." He ushered me to the door.

"No problem Apprentice after all this trouble I will make a way for you and her to meet again maybe by that time she already accepted you." I gave him hopeful words.

"I sure hope so." He started lifting the broken table.

"Have fun cleaning up the mess." I departed whistling.

Since I still have few hours left office hours I decided to practice Ette's ability. It was almost daybreak when finished and I can feel my energy is running low so I filled my hunger. I haven't fed since I arrived and it's been a day but it's like a week. Strange since I am used of feeding every week maybe it's just too much for today.

After getting myself cleaned up once again I'm back on CEO mode.


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••••• MJ Cristine

Mission With A Vampire (Book Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें