Chapter 34 - The Greatest Plan

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We all stay fixed on our spot as Raymund confessed everything the protection spell, identity spell and the truth spell was for their protection, it is true. We found out that the murderer was a vampire who wants to wipe their lineage out but only one question remains why the vampire killed them.

"That vampire is the one who worked with Constance that I killed." Ette hypothesizes the fact.  

"You killed Constance?" Raymund with clueless expression.

"Yes so as his son Gavin they were responsible for the revenge they did for my parents." Ette started to rile up.

"Constance always mentioned a girl's name everytime we have a close meeting. He claimed to take revenge against this girl to make the parents suffer. He convinced me to join the battle against Hezerka but I declined him. I don't wanna risk the tribe for his revenge so we parted ways he somehow found help with other witches and they build their own tribe. I never knew he was after you believe me." Raymund words strike me.   

"THAT IS MY BARREN I WILL PERSONALLY KILL THAT VAMPIRE!" Ette demeanour turned dark just like the time I saw her. 

"Karlsten control Ette's temper." Andreas held Ette down.

Since we knew what will happen I immediately rushed to Ette's side and touched her. I was frightened and I can't let watch that happen again.

"Kitten, you need to calm down otherwise you will unleash it." I whispered to her and Ette slowly recognized my voice.

"Raymund you still haven't answer some questions. Who killed my foster parents and why did you sent me to the human world?" Louise turned to him.

"It was the same person who killed your mother I personally sent you to human world for you to be safe. I know Elizabeth will be devastated if you died in the hands of the vampire so I'd rather choose that way. You must know if vampire kills a child there is no way they can be revive because our spell has its own limitation just like any supernatural magic or powers out there." Raymund spoke in details.

"Is that why when you saw her at the Club you got tensed? Do you know that Louise was Elizabeth's daughter don't you?" I recalled his reaction that day.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"Why do you hunt vampires and kill them?" Louise input.

"We only interrogate not kill but no one can tell where to find the vampire." He concedes. 

"Did you have anything to do with Augustus death? Did you kill him using a spell?" Elizabeth grilled him again.

"He died? I thought you gave him the potion?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I never did follow your order I loved him." Elizabeth confessed.

"You defy me for the human who impregnate you then left? Have you forgotten that Elizabeth?" Raymund recovered from Elizabeth's words.

"Augustus loved me and he would never leave me if he knew I was pregnant. He died not knowing I am carrying our child." Elizabeth countered almost breaking.

"I misjudged the human I thought you're giving him the potion perhaps he really did love you. I was just too blinded to see it and fooled Constance instead of I am so sorry Elizabeth." Raymund is now embarrassed and crying.

"Your sorry is too late the damage has been done a lot of people died because of your wrong actions if only you listened to me this would never happen. Perhaps Augustus is still alive and we could be a family." Elizabeth walked out of the room.

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