EPILOGUE (The Miracle Heir)

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(.... Ten years later ...)


Let me give you a recap what happened after the Execution day.

Countess Belona poisoned herself using the most poisonous plant called Aconite before the Execution. The Execution Panel then decided to let Augustus live since he cannot be punished while Elizabeth went back that day with Augustus and Louise met his father for the first time.

Apprentice Regan gave way for Elizabeth to have family and left Finland we haven't seen him since then I guess it's never happy ending for everybody. Avereksia was now held by Augustus together with Elizabeth only this time the vampires are trained the right way. Louise became a full vampire after Adrian turned her they are now in Scotland.

Lorraine her sister has found her chosen Allan Ava's brother while Andrew is still finding his own along with Dominik and Morgan. Ava's Chosen was Justine the human that Margo fed before.

Cedrik surrendered himself and even plead guilty to the Tribunal after learning about Countess death. Since he and Margo are accessories they both get the same punishment but soon will be released from the Dungeon. With the condition they will remain Shadows and never defy the Covenant again otherwise the Execution Chamber will be serve.

Count Sigfreid was now the head of the Tribunal along with Count Giorgio and Count Andreas. That is right my father is now one of the Council while my mom is Head of the hybrid vampires ever since she was turned.

Ella was now safe with her chosen Levi, yeah it was him and they are in good terms now Levi admitted that he was a fool to believed Mallory and Gavin. They are now the Committee for the peace between Witch Hunters and Vampires while Raymund still reign.

As for Klaudia and Baron they are leading Levatnia peacefully after being rescued by Adrian. They are still trying to get Karlsten and Briella's forgiveness same with Cedrik but they are still haven't warm up to them.

Lastly I and Karlsten decided to live in the human world for the sake of our son. Yup that's right I conceived him the night of our claims everyone was ecstatic especially the Councils.

I still run the Company but have my new partner yeah it's my husband. We got married a week finding out I was pregnant. There was two celebrations one in Levatnia and in the human world. The Club he owns in Germany was now handled by Dominik since he gave the ownership to him. We don't have anymore secretary since we can manage to do things together.

Our son was the first born vampire with human blood that is the reason why we choose to raise him like a normal child but of course he knows about his abilities. But we haven't mention about the Clan not until he reaches the age of thirteen. All he knew for now is he is a teenager boy with very unique personality and today we are celebrating his tenth birthday.

"Kaden! Can you check your dad if he is done with the chairs and tables outside?!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes mom!" He quickly moved.

"Thank you son." I remove the chicken out from the oven.

One thing he discovers while growing up is his speed we told him it was one of his special abilities that he can never show once outside home. Every year we celebrate it twice just like on our wedding day. First was with the Clan and later the humans since we gained friends. Thank God we are vampires otherwise this events will make us exhausted with all the preparations.

"Kitten is there a problem with the chicken? You've been staring at it for five minutes." Karlsten wrapped his arms around me.

"No, I was just thinking." I shook my head.

"What were you thinking so deep that you froze like an ice?" Karlsten turned me around.

"Just the last ten years and how we managed to live this long I meant of course we do what I meant is... feeding." I emphasized the word.

"I know thanks to your Mom's antidote we don't lust for it anymore." He kissed my temple.

"I wonder about Kaden if he is going to have that cravings since we are both... different." I intentionally didn't say it.

"If that happens we will be here to guide him I wouldn't be called Superior if I didn't know how to discipline my own child." He gave that stupid smirk that I love since the beginning.

"Yeah you're too old." I playfully teased him.

"I will show you that I am very much young... in our bedroom." His words sends shiver all over me.

"I am counting on that." I fight back the urge of kissing him.

I moved closer to him making sure I pressed myself harder on him and whispered.

"But right now you need to fix the banner to the garden since your son's friends are coming in three minutes then we need to prepare again tonight for the Clan." I pulled away from him.

"Damn celebration. Why do we have to do it twice?" He groaned.

"It was your idea in the first place right Superior?" I used his rank to mock him.

"After this I will have you punish." He whispered and left.

I stayed on my post while thinking what just happened. Oh no! This means I need a full strength since we will be up all night long again. Sometimes I regret being a vampire since we have this great stamina but when I think about being with Karlsten and Kaden for thousand years makes it happier.

Meeting with a vampire certainly changed my life for the better and revenge with a vampire made me realize that. Now I can truly say I am very much contented how Karlsten's and I future turned out. This is just the beginning of our wonderful journey to forever. Truly everything was worth from having a Mission With A Vampire.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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