Chapter 24 - The Needed Favour

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We gave Ava enough time to concentrate and gather her energy so they can begin. After a while she went closer to Althea and grabbed her hand.

"Just like what we did you need to focus on my eyes." She commands her.

"Okay." Althea agreed with a nod.

"Ette you need to buy some food for Althea because after this she will be very exhausted." Ava recommends.

"How long you think this process will take?" Ette impatient tone came.

"Two hours the least you will have time to get back here and do what you need to do also please bring bags for me too." Ava kindly requested with glint of teasing.

"You should have told me this before we got here." I muttered but followed.

"Okay Avs. We will be back soon." Ette gave me a glare.

We left them and decided to drop by first at Apprentice's place and give him updates of what's happening. Seconds later we are inside his house and saw him sitting on his desk.

"You seem to be in deep thought there Apprentice." I marched over him Ette in tow.

"Did Althea called?" He ignored my statement but acknowledge our presence.

"That is one of the reasons we are here. She agreed to help us out." I filled him in with all the details.

"So she is with Ava as we speak?" His tone laced fears.

"Why are you frightened Apprentice? You're supposed to be happy since she will retain her memory." Ette cornered him this time.

"I feared that once her past life was dug I might be rejected again." He moved his gaze to the window.

"Is that the reason why you've been silent and didn't sense us coming?" I assumed and he nodded.

"I don't know that having a Chosen can be this complicated maybe I should have listened to her before." He is like accepting his defeat.

"Apprentice having Chosen is the best thing that can happen to us. A lifetime commitment to be with them and complications included with it." I spoke giving word of wisdom.

"Yeah Karl is right Apprentice we lost that chance three years ago but here we are now. In my personal view you have the chance to do the right thing be with her in spite of everything." Ette turns to advice.

"I never vision you two can be a relationship advisers but I admit your words stuck in my brain you can be our own Dr. Phil or Oprah." He admitted with a tease.

"Don't push it! We are just trying to give you the logical explanation to all of this." Ette pointed finger at him and I just stay quiet. Knowing how intimidating my Chosen is but hot too.

"You mentioned there are reasons what are they?" His mood changed to business like mode.

"If the restoration didn't succeed I want you to be with Louise. I need to go back in Germany with Ava and Althea we need to request him to do the necessary actions." Ette lays him the other option.

"Who is she?" He wrapped his mind on the story.

"Ette's secretary. The human on the video I showed you and she is a vampire Chosen too." I informed him.

"Of whom?" Regan creased his brows.

I detailed to him about Margo's brother while Ette listened. 

"I didn't know she has a family." Apprentice sounds surprise.

"Yeah I was too at first." Ette agreed with him. 

"Given that Althea's memory can't be fully restored where do I need to take her any specific place?" He inquired.

"Take her at Hezerka she is safer there but I need to warn you her Chosen doesn't know yet that I am alive in case he followed you or something."  Ette tipped him.

"How did you stay alive when Elder told me you died since he got a mission from Countess who killed you." Apprentice confused face.

Once again we filled him the details while he stayed silent.

"Now it's clear to me I just hope this Adrian guy will not turn on us." He placed his hands on the desk.

"That is why we have Louise as assurance. If worse comes to worse we got him real good but of course that's just a plot we can't kill Louise she is my friend and we need to keep her safe." Ette gave him the whole idea.

"Copy that Ette." Apprentice smiled.

"What else has been on your mind Apprentice? I can sense it." I joined my hands together.

"Do you think there is a possibility that Elizabeth has a child and Constance is still alive?" He showed worries in his tone.

"I don't know but I want you to consider that it might happen. I'm not threatening you just saying since there are Witches after all." I advised him.

"That actually passed my thought and I'm not ready to accept it." He admitted.

"If it makes you feel better she is your chosen. The bond we have to our Chosen is extra ordinary so hold on to that thought to make you feel better." Ette added.

"That is what I keep on believing Ette. It is just so hard to think that one way or another I might lose her." His voice sounds depress.    

"Whatever you decide just think of all the things we told you." I tapped his shoulder.

"Thank you Elder and Ette." He nodded and grabbed the glass on his desk.

"Anyway do you have extra bags? I need some for Ava." Ette diverted the topic seeing how it affects Regan.

"One minute I'll just get some for her." He left and get back in a flash.

"Great thanks. Do you wanna join us at the store to buy food for Althea?" I suggested.

"Yes please." He stood up fast. 

"Let's go then we can head back together to the Barren." We matched his move and left.

We actually let Ette get into the store since she is more experience than us in terms of food. She grabbed some chocolates, soda, breads and chips enough to feed Althea for a week.

"Kitten I think that is way too much for Althea." I watched as she pays.

"I didn't say it's for her alone I am also human right?" Ette made me realized.

"Right." I touched my nape and she smirked.

Ette can still feed both ways as her advantage while we forget how it actually takes on us.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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