Chapter 36 - The Rescued Sister

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We all left the Execution Panel and Elizabeth stay behind to request for Augustus presence. I on the other hand immediately request Adrian to take me to Avereksia. Ette come along since she claimed I'm sick so instead of arguing I agreed.

"Once we get there you need to be prepared and kill. My former clan was aggressive and don't recognized other vampires aside from their own." Adrian notified us.

"Thanks for the heads up bud." I nodded and we proceed.

As soon we reached the entrée of the Barren the guards came out and attack us. They are like hundreds of them and Ette was very fast to burn them by waving her hand.

"Their only a part of it Karl! A lot more will be coming from the east wing!" Adrian shouted from a distance. 

Damn how can Countess Belona can acquire so much vampires. She sure is a very tactical vampire in entire Clan we never saw it coming that it was her behind it all.

"How many exactly are we talking about?!" Ette started yelling since there were a lot of gnarling and hissing around us.

"Not sure maybe a thousand!!" Adrian estimated while he fights back.

We began fighting and use our ability but Ette is right I am getting weak. This is very strange because she already got it back how come I still feel this. I shook the thoughts away and focus on current situation. I found out aside from invisibility Adrian also control minds of multiple vampires and voice manipulation.

"Karlsten go with Adrian to the dungeon I'll handle them!" Ette shouted.

"No I'm not leaving you here!" I rejected.

"Don't be stubborn! You know you need to get to Ella before she got killed. Adrian take Karlsten we don't have much time. Now GO!" Ette voice almost blasted in my ear.

"Ette is right now come on!" Adrian tapped my shoulder and we become invisible.

We reached the dungeon and find for my sister since I couldn't reach her mind anymore. The dungeon is made of cobblestone with moss growing from each crevice. It was strange cold dark temperature since it was located underground. We broke each cell to find Brie but we couldn't until we heard a scream from a distance.

"BRIELLA!!" I roared full of rage.

After some time we found her and there are five vampires holding her down while torturing her weak condition. I didn't waste my time and advanced the three vampire and ripped their throats just like Adrian did to the others. I unchained my sister's wrist that is connected to the wall with hammered metal shackles on her ankles and neck. I can feel smell the vervain on her and the soreness of her body I caught her just before she lose consciousness.

"Take her back to the Barren I will find your parents and Cedrik." Adrian volunteered. 

"Forget it Brie is more important than them." I dismissed the thought of finding them.

I found Ette marching towards us and saw my sister on my arms. We head back to Hezerka and Eloise made a potion for my sister. She promptly gave the ingredients that Elizabeth used for her only this time she uses my blood. After doing everything she injected it on Ella's chest.

"How long will it take effect on her?" I held Ella's hand.

"Since she's a vampire it will take two days and she will slowly gain her straight back. It would have been better if her Chosen is here so the recovery is fast." She watched Ella's sleeping figure.

"I don't know who her Chosen was but she claimed it was a Hunter." I remembered her confession long time.

"Does anybody know who is it maybe I can go to our tribe and find him." Eloise offered.  

"Ava might know him since they had to convince the Council before about an attack. I'll talk to her about it nevertheless thanks for curing my sister." I summarized.

"Anytime Karlsten. We are all family." Eloise tapped my shoulder.

"Did Regan and Louise know about Augustus revival?" Ette is sitting beside me.

"Not yet and I think its better she didn't he will die eventually but it would be better if Louise meet him before the execution. Thank God Louise is with Adrian she can't hear us." She inhaled with relieve.

"Elizabeth made him promised not to say anything until she got access to talk to Augustus first." I guaranteed.

"With Regan he was getting weak since you gave him the herb oil and I already know why. Elizabeth and I figured it was Vervain mixed with witch hazel we are certain it was Mallory who gave that to Countess Belona. The real effect of it is to weaken your ability and eventually your death." Eloise elaborates to me.

"Now it's clear to me why you have been strange lately. Is there any antidote to take or something Mom?" Ette lifted my head to face her.

"Yes I already made the potion for Karlsten and Apprentice Regan including you. Since you have claimed each other intimately then you need to take it too." She is really vulgar about this.

"Mom! Why are you always embarrassing me?" Ette exclaimed with a pout.

"Oh hush you are even old enough to make babies." She hands the bottle to me.

"Thanks." I placed in my pocket.

"Welcome. Now I'm leaving so I can be a grandmother soon." Eloise smiled and left us.

"I can't believe she would say that in front of Ella." Ette mumbled.

"We can follow her demands you know." I wiggled my eyebrows while moving closer to her.

"No way stranger you will go to my penthouse and feed so you can recover soon or I will never allow you to touch me." She directly ordered me.

"You are sexier when you do that." I teased her.

"I mean it Karlsten." Her tone said it all.

"Okay okay your Highness while I'm doing that can you link in Ava?" I put my hands in surrender.

"Yeah that's what I am going to do actually." She nodded.

"Thanks I'll get going now. See you soon Kitten." I pecked her lips and left.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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