Those Two

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*Samantha's POV*

As the final bell of the year rang I neatly arranged my books into my bag.

I tried walking to the front of the classroom but I was having a hard time since almost every step I took I almost got run over by a person who didn't even see me.

I was used to this, being kind of a nerd. But the thing was I wasn't your typical nerd, I didn't wear glass or braces or two ponytails coming out the side of my head.

I was the complete opposite, I had dark brown curly hair that fell to the centre of my back and hazel brown eyes.

I would often dress in short skirts or shorts since I lived in Florida with crop tops or t-shirts.

The only reason that people walked by me was because of my reputation.

I was the nerd who had her whole life planned out.

I was told what college I was to be in, what job I was going to get, what house I wanted to live in and where.

But it wasn't always like this.

I actually used to be your normal, go with the flow, care free teenager, until my 14 birthday where my uncle and aunt thought that since I was old enough, I had to make every decision that planned out the rest of my life.

They sat me down and asked me all sorts of questions about what I liked and what I was good at.

Then after the last question they informed me what I had to do with my life.

I was making my way down the hall when I felt two hands touch my shoulders and two more hands cover my eyes. '' Guess who '' They whisper into my ear.

I spin around quickly, seeing that it is none other then Jack and Sloane.

We have all been best friends since grade 1 we have always been there for each other.

Sloane was the exact opposite of me, she had straight blonde hair that went down to her butt and a deep blue eye colour.

Sloane lived in the country, but not in your typical farm house. She lived in a mansion. She was your wealthy teenager because of her parents. Her mom is a lawyer and her father is a big shot doctor.

Jack on the other hand has short hair and big brown eyes.

He didn't live in a mansion but more a small cottage like house.

He lost his mother when he was nine.

Shortly after her death his father became an alcoholic.

He would go the bar when jack fell asleep and come home in the early hours of the morning drunk or hung over. The one thing that his father would never do is hit and abuse him in any way. Since he lost his wife, Jack is the one thing he has to live for, and without Jack his life would have no meaning.

''Why are you taking your sweet time getting out of this place?" Sloane asks me with confusion.

''I'm kinda going to miss this place" I answer truthfully.

''Oh buh'' and with that Sloane grabs my bag and Jack throughs me over his shoulder.

I hit his back with my fists, but since he is so big and I am so small it didn't affect him what so ever.

He carried me out into the parking lot and Sloane opened the door of her car and Jack threw me in the back seat.

"Where are we going?'' I whine.

"We're going to my house for an end of the school year sleepover" She replies with a smirk.

We pulled up to the house and we all climb out of the car. Even though I'm here almost everyday I still can't stop admiring her house. It is a red brick with two white pillars in the front. a three story house plus the basement with a beautifully built front patio.

Sloane opens the door and I run up the spiraling staircase and into her bedroom, flopping down on her super comfy, king sized bed. Sloane and Jack soon join me.

"So how are you and Greg?" I ask thirsty for gossip about her relationship.

"We're not doing good, I think he's cheating on me."

"But you guys have gone out for five months!!" I say, getting disappointed.

"Doesn't anyone care about my love life!?" Jack says pouting his lip.

"Nobody cares about you and that jerk Karin. You know she only likes you because you're on the football team and she makes it her duty to date all the jocks, right."

"Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He chuckles as he rubs his knuckles into the top of my head.

"Ouch " I yelp, "You don't know your own strength!" Sloane just laughs as she gets up and grabs her giant bag of candy that we all share.

"So what are we going to do this summer?" Sloane asks us through mouthfuls of licorice.

We all look at each other with confusion on our faces.

"What are we going to do this summer?"

Hey guys
This is my first book so please
Remember to





New up date coming soon

The Road to Somewhere Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora