Ignoring Everyone

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*Samantha's POV*

I walk to school today because it is 87 degrees outside and there is a cool breeze.

Aaron tried texting me and calling me all day yesterday but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

I had locked myself in my room and studied, planning for my future because I don't want to focus on the present.

I called Jack and filled him in on what had happened and he offered to come over and keep me company.

I gratefully declined, explaining that I just needed to be alone and he said he understood.

As I walk through the front doors I spot Jack standing at his locker which is next to mine.

"Hey Jack." I say as I put the combination into the locker.

"Have you heard the buzz going around school?" He asks slamming his locker shut.

"Well no considering I just walked in the front doors."

"People are saying that Aaron is looking for you. All the girls ummm...." He stops, rubbing the back of his neck.

"All the girls what?" I ask.

Jack has trouble getting to the point, it usually takes him a really long time.

"They how do I say this nicely?" He ponders readjusting his books in his arms.

"Jack get to the point." I say getting frustrated.

"They are really jealous and I heard that Jamie and May broke up."

"That's not that bad."

"I'm not done. May thinks that you are the reason they broke up, she and the other she-devils are planning something."

"Oh crap. You and I both know what they are capable of, especially when they put their heads together."

"They come up with better plans together because they form one brain. You see they each have a quarter of a brain and when they put it together they are actually smart." He chuckles.

I know that Jack is just trying to make me feel less stressed out but the truth is May can make your life a living hell with the snap of her fingers and she loves reminding people of that.


The buzzer goes off which means all the kids have to get to their first class.

"We'll talk at lunch." He says.

"Okay see you."

I make my way over to the English room where I can talk to Jamie, if he even shows up.

When I turn the corner I see a familiar face, Adam.

"Hey Adam." I smile heading in direction.

"Hey Samantha." He replies closing his locker.

"When did you transfer here?"

"On the weekend, this is my first day."

"Cool. Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

"Sure sounds great I don't really know anyone here." He says biting his lip nervously.

"Okay see you then."

I walk into my first class and I make my way over to my seat.

Jamie is already sitting there reading a really thick book.

Jamie is actually really smart, book smart.

He hides it under that bad boy act, when he takes it off he's really sweet and intelligent.

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