Let the Games Begin!!

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*Samantha's POV*

I wake up to a bright stream of light coming through my window.

I love waking up like this.

I used to watch movies where the girl wakes up from a thrilling dream and when she sits up she looks perfect.

Her hair is straight, he face looks zit and acne free and she just looks, beautiful.

Have you ever tried to wake up like that before?

Well I'll tell you, I have.

It didn't go too great.

It feels like I did it properly, rising gracefully, hugging my knees to my chest.

But as soon as I saw what I looked like in the mirror, that was an entirely different story.

My hair was knotted and kinky, my forehead was covered in zits, and my clothes were wrinkled.

I gave up trying after that, learning that it was just one big fat lie.

People can't actually wake up looking like they just came from a photo shoot right?

Well guess what I'm doing right now.

I'm currently cocooned in my sheets with my phone, stalking people on Instagram.

If you haven't guessed it already, I'm stalking people who take photos the minute they get up.

Most of them are just people who think they look good and then there are the people who have taken the photo at 12:00pm claiming that they just woke up.

Which I would totally believe if I couldn't see all the make up on their faces and the fact the they aren't wearing any form of pajamas.

I start to look up some of the people from my school.

I would call them my friends but I don't think you can use that word when the only reason a person knows you is because they knocked you down in the hallway.

I'm known as a klutz, nerd, loser, nobody, lame, lonely person who has only two friends.

I'd like to say that people would believe me if I told them that I was friends with Aaron Philips but I doubt they would believe me.

And then by accident, Mia's page comes up.

Almost all her pictures are selfies of her or her and her newest boyfriend.

The thing that I find odd about her Instagram is that when she posts a picture of her, and her new boyfriend, then they break up, she doesn't take down the picture.

I think the reason that she leaves all of them up is to brag that she has had more boyfriends then there are grains of sand on this planet.

Okay maybe that was a slight exaggeration but who really cares.

She has literally dated every boy in the school besides the nerds of course and...


I don't like to think about Aaron dating a person like Mia but then again from what I've heard Aaron doesn't date he plays.

He toys with girls hearts and then once he gets what he wants, he leaves.

But honestly I am tired of hearing this 'tragic' break up with a girl and a player.

The girls are always complaining that they had something real but they can't seem to get the picture that player doesn't want real.

They want people to hook up with them when they're bored.

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