Blacked out

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*Aarons POV*

I groan as Sam's body lands on top of me at the bottom of the stairs.

I roll her off of me and when she doesn't move I start to get worried.

I get to my feet, feeling a little dizzy after the incident.

I glance over at Sam who's body is still lying there and that's when I realize she  blacked out.

I slide my hands under her body, picking her up bridle stile and carrying her over to her couch.

" Sam! Sam!" I yell at her.

I place both my hands on either side of her face. Even though she is I bit annoying, boy is she pretty.

Not just pretty she was beautiful! I don't know what to do, this has never happened to me before.

" Damn, your pretty Sam."

" What was that?" She groans fluttering her eyes open.

" Sam!"

" Yes?"

" Your okay?" I ask concerned.

" I don't know, my head is killing me and my vision is blurry." She tells me through moans and groans.

" I think that you might have a concussion." I inform her.

" What do you want me to do." I ask.

" Get your parents."

" Ok." I reply.

I go to pick her up when she whines and tells me not to.

" No please don't move me!"

" I have to so my parents can help, they know where all the medical supplies are at my house."

She just nods her head before closing her eyes and letting me pick her up.

I carried her across the street and into my house earning my parents stares.

I lay her down on my couch in the living room while my parents follow me with concern and questions.

" What the hell happened to her Aaron!" My mom asks frustrated.

" We fell down the stairs and on our way down her suitcase hit her head and knocked her out." I tell my mom.

" Okay she's going to be fine, get her an ice pack and I'll get her Advil."


*Samantha's POV*

When I wake up the first thing I feel is someone's hands touching each side of my face. My head hurts so much I need a minute to open my eyes. Then I hear a familiar voice.

" Damn, your pretty Sam."

It is Aaron! I was speechless. But I just had to say something.

" What was that?" I ask.

I try to add some sarcasm but it doesn't quite come out the way I want it to.

He quickly changes the conversation by asking me if I'm okay. My head is throbbing, the world is spinning and my vision is very blurry.

All I want to do was sleep. I am so close to falling back into sleep when Aaron throws another question my way.

" What do you want me to do?"

The only thing I could think of was how his mom is a doctor and how she can help me.

" Get your parents."

" Ok." he replies.

I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me but he sounds concerned. That's different.

From the short time that I knew him I didn't think that he cared very much about anyone except himself.

I begin to close my eyes once again cause all this thinking makes my head hurt.

When all of a sudden I feel a hand slip under my butt and under my back. Aaron began to lift me up when I started to whine.

" Please don't move me!"

" I have to so my parents can help, they know where are the medical supplies are at my house."

I'm to tired to argue so I just nod my head and he continues to pick me up and carry me across the street.

He lays me down on his couch and I close my eyes.

" What the hell happened to her Aaron!" I hear Mrs. Philips ask with frustration.

While Aaron explains to his mom what happened my head starts to throb harder. All I want to do was sleep but people keep taking!

" She's going to be fine, get her an ice pack and I'll get her Advil.

I'm relived to hear that coming from a doctor. Knowing that I was going to be okay a deep sleep swallowed me whole.

Hey guys!
Sorry this chapter was so short.
Longer ones are coming.

So remember to





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