Here goes nothing

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*Samantha's POV*

"Holy Shit he is going to kill me!" I whisper to myself as I sprint through the hallways.

"Samantha!!!!" I hear Aaron call from behind me.

He is getting closer but I can run for a longer period of time.

I sprint around the corner, and another, and another until I think I've lost him.

So here is what happened.

I kind of put a note in Todd Mitchell's locker that said I have always had the deepest of feelings for you.

Just expressing a deep love for him.

Then I signed it : From Aaron Philips.

Let me just tell you that Todd Mitchell is Gay.

At lunch in the cafeteria, Aaron was sitting at his usual table with Chase, Caden and Sam.

He usually sits with Jamie, but lately he has been spending all his time with May.

But it doesn't seem to bother them.

Anyway, so during lunch Todd Mitchell walks over to Aaron table and in the loudest voice he has managed to tell everyone what 'Aaron' had done.

Then he stood up on Aaron's table and asked him out.

It was hilarious!

One girl even fainted.

I couldn't hold my laughter in when it happened to I burst out laughing and when Aaron put two and two together, I decided to make a run for it.

I turn another corner and I head towards a large trophy case.

I tuck myself beside it and I crunch into a ball, hoping that Aaron won't see me as he runs by.

Just like clockwork, Aaron runs right by me and doesn't see me.


"What are you doing?" I hear someone say.

I lift my head to see Chase and Caden standing in the doorway of the science lab starring at me with confusion.

"I'm hiding from Aaron. I was the one who put that note in Todd's locker, not Aaron." I smile mischievously.

"Well you need our help if you want to make it until the end of the day." Chase smiles.

"Okay. But wait. Don't skip your classes for me I'll be fine."

"Too late I've made up my mind. Follow us." Caden gestures for me to follow him and Chase.

I get up out of my tucked position and I follow the boys to wherever they are going.

When Caden and Chase stop in front of the boys locker room, I regret my decision to follow them.

"I'm not going in there."

"Yes you are." They argue back.

"It's either this or you get embarrassed in front of the entire school on the second day."

"Fine lead the way."

He opens the door and I can't breath.

"Oh my god it's smells like something died in here." I cough.

"Oh suck it up princess and get in."

"It's sounds like your kidnapping me."

Once we are all inside I start to breathe through my mouth because of the horrid smell.

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