That boy is mischievous with his Clues

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*Samantha's POV*

As we run towards who we think is Aaron, a million thoughts are running through my head.

What will we talk about? What will he say? Does he still like me? What if he doesn't?

When we are just a few steps away we stop running and I say Aaron's name.

"Aaron is that you?!"

The person stops and begins to slowly turn around.

And sadly the person isn't Aaron.

But as much as I want to see him, I am kind of relieved that it isn't him.

There are still too many things that I have to deal with before I can have a conversation with him.

"Oops sorry I thought that you were someone else."


"Do I know you?"

Wow everyone here seems to know my name and I don't even know them.

"Yeah it's Grayson remember?"

"Are you in my running club?"

"No I know Aaron as well, we all used to be friends back in Rio before you moved to Florida."

"What's you're last name?"

"Cooper, Grayson Cooper."

"Sounds familiar."

"Ehh Hemm" Jamie interrupts.

"Oh sorry, Grayson this is Caden, Jamie and Sam."

"Hi guys."

"Hey." They reply in unison.

"How did you remember me after 12 years?"

"Well its actually a long story."

"That's okay we've gotten very fond of long stories." Caden remarks.

"Why don't we sit down."

He gestures us over to a park bench under a t-rex statue and we wait for him to explain.

"So I was coming here from Rio because I just moved to Florida because Rio has a lot of health problems. Anyway I met up with Aaron at the train station in Tampa. We have kept in contact through the years so that's how we knew what each other looked like."

"Go on." I usher.

"He told me everything that is going on and he asked for my help. He gave me his hockey bag and clothes and told me to walk near you while in dinosaur world so you'd think it was Aaron."

"Grayson do you know where he is?" I ask hoping for a certain answer.

"No, sorry."

"Okay we'd better start to split up and look, we're running out of time to find him." Sam suggests.

"Okay Sam lets go." Jamie sighs as they get off of the bench.

"It's was nice meeting you Grayson." Sam smiles and shakes his hand.

"You too man."

"Okay Samantha lets go. Nice to meet you Grayson hope we get to see more of you in the future." Caden nods his head."


"I'll be right there Caden."

"What's up Samantha?" Grayson smiles.

"Could I get your email address so you can tell him if you hear anything from him or his whereabouts?"

"Sure." He takes my phone and punches in the information.

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