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*Samantha's POV*

I don't scream, I don't cry, none of these out loud but they are all happening inside of me.

I have to start acting more mature, focused more on my future.

I should just do what I always do, block everyone around me out.

But I can't do that to Sloane and Jack.

Ever since I met the boys, it's like every chapter of my life is filled with unexpected and unnecessary drama.

Though pushing them out of my life won't magically make it easier.

And Aaron, I don't know if I like him.

Maybe I just like him as a friend.

Whatever I don't want to think about this now.

I walk across the street and into Aaron's house where my stuff still remains.

I pick up my bag, my phone, and a book.

I rush down the stairs and into the garage where I see a brand new bike that the Philips had bought for me this summer.

This bike is nicer then some peoples cars.

I clip on my helmet, jump on my bike and the garage door opens suddenly.

First I see very expensive shoes, then expensive pants, an expensive shirt and a cute face with great hair holding the remote for the door.

"Where do you think you are going young lady?"


"Out where?"

"Somewhere." I start to slowly pedal, hoping that he will get that I need some space to think and hopefully will get out of my way.

"Do you need me to come?" He asks but it sounds more of a beg then anything.

"Aaron I just want to be alone! Is that to much to ask?" I snap and he looks taken aback by my outburst.

He doesn't say anything, he just moves to the side and gives me space to ride through.

As I pull up next to him I mutter an apologetic 'thank you' and I'm on my way.

I feel bad that I snapped at him but he doesn't understand what I am going through.

I pedal as fast as I can knowing where I am going.

I pull on the street ignoring everything and everyone around me.

I swerve left and I cut through the forest, ducking tree branches everywhere.

When I finally arrive at my destination I unclip my helmet and I set it on my bike handles, kicking out my kick stand and looking up.

It may be worn down and old but it's a special place that all the memories circle, reminding me so I don't forget.

I start to climb the tree up to the tree house being careful where to put my hands.

When I'm up and into the tree house I go into my bag and I pull out my book.

I trace my fingers over the fancy title and I read the words to myself.

"If I stay." I whisper.

"If I stay." I whisper again.

They are only three words but they mean so much in my past situations.

I flip through the pages until I get to the spot I left off and I begin to read.

The Road to Somewhere حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن